Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Scroll down!

I just added a new post, but for some reason it showed up underneath the "Daan-ta" video, so scroll down to see Grady opening up his first Christmas presents.

Sunday, December 20, 2009


We havn`t talked much about Santa to Grady, so I was a bit surprised when we were out at the store one day and he pointed him out. Yesterday, there was a TV show on with Santa in it and Grady recognized him right away. He`s a bit young to get the idea of Santa, but for this year, it is neat that he knows what Santa looks like.

(After thinking about it, I am guessing that he learned about Santa at daycare ... or maybe it was just the magic of the Christmas spirit!)

Grady's first Christmas of the year

Grady's first Christmas of the year came a bit early ... when we opened up a package from Grandma and Grandpa Syme. Grady had lots of fun digging into the gift bag and was excited to see each present as it came out.

Getting ready to open his gift bag.

The first gift: a glow worm!

Then, the iggly piggly doll ...

A cute pair of pj's (there are three more pairs that are just as cute :)

Grady's very own mp3 player!
(Sandy is trying to figure out how it works)

Listening to tunes.

A cozy fleece suit to keep Grady warm for those cold days when we are playing outside and going for walks.

And, a video that shows just how much Grady loves his new glow worm.

Thanks Grandma and Grandpa for all of the wonderful gifts!

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Aunt Christa gave Grady a coloring book and a set of markers when we were up in Gold River last time. (They are special markers that only work on the paper of the coloring book). He likes coloring on the pages, but what he really likes is playing with the markers, the lids, and the box they came in.

Friday, December 11, 2009


It feels like it's taking a long time for Grady to learn how to talk, but we are slowly getting there. Even though a lot of his words only sound like half the word he is trying to say, he can still communicate pretty well.

And, some special words we are trying to learn in time for Christmas ...

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

First painting

This is Grady's first painting. He completed it at StrongStart (a program that the school district runs to help prepare children for pre-school/Kindergarten). We go once a week, so that Grady can play with all the toys, run around in the gym, listen to story time, and make art projects, like this picture!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Friday, December 4, 2009


Grady has shown a real interest in his building blocks lately. He likes to stack them up into a tower, knock them over, and then start again. It's funny to watch him work because he likes things to be a certain way.

Check out the intense concentration!

All done with the blocks for now ... time to drive his cars around ... vrooom!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


It rained for almost the whole month of November. As soon as December started, the rain stopped and the sun came out. The temperature also dropped ... it's hovering around zero degrees Celsius right now. We've still been going outside to play; Grady just gets bundled up in his winter clothes. He can't move that well, but at least he's warm!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Ready to go

He's got "his" keys and "his" purse and he's ready to go!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Friday, November 27, 2009

The cow and the pig

So far, Grady isn't very interested in actually playing with toys. He's started to build with his blocks a little bit and he likes the toys that make noise: his little boom box and the see 'n' say.

Just recently though, he's taking a liking to these two little plastic farm animals: the cow and the pig. I think he likes them because they fit into his hands just right. He carries one around in each hand and sits on the floor playing with them. It's neat to see him taking this next step in his development and watch him use his imagination.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Big boy bed

Last weekend we moved Grady from his crib to a thick mattress on the floor - his big boy bed. We weren't ready to move him out of his crib, but all of a sudden he just started hating it. We'd bring him into his room for naptime or bedtime and he would start screaming and hold onto us so tightly. So, after a few days of this torture, we decided to take apart the crib and try a real bed.

Well, it has worked wonders! He's been sleeping in his bed for a week now and last night, for the first time EVER, Grady slept through the night (7pm until 7am). We were in there checking on him a few times and he was just sleeping away. I snuck in to take a quick photo ... it's not that great of a picture, but there was no way I was getting any closer and taking the chance of waking him up.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Our little bookworm

Grady is so into books right now. If we are in the house, he wants to be reading. Mostly, he wants us to read to him, but sometimes he'll pick up a book and sit in his little chair and "read" to himself.

(see how he crosses his feet ... so cute!)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Dance party 09

You have to listen very closely to hear the music. Grady has a little teddy bear that sings songs when you press it's paw (thanks Auntie Christa and Uncle Darryl!). He loves to turn on the music and then run out to the middle of the living room floor and get his groove on!!!

Sunday, November 15, 2009


If we turn cartoons on, Grady is not interested at all. But, if we turn sports on (like hockey or curling), he'll sit and watch for a few minutes. Here he is watching the best sport ;)

Friday, November 13, 2009

First haircut

At 19.5 months, Grady finally had enough hair for his first haircut. Well, not really, but he was sporting a baby mullet so yesterday we went to the hairdresser for a trim across the back. He was pretty squirmy, but the stylist did a good job of bobbing and weaving with him. He looks like such a little boy now.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Putting him to work

From washing the dishes to sweeping the floors, Grady loves to help out with household tasks. It usually ends up making a lot more work for me, but it's worth it to watch him play and learn.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Vaseline + the toddler

Last night after Grady's bath, I left him in the bathroom and went into his room to grab a diaper and his pajamas. In the three seconds that I was gone, Grady climbed up onto the bathroom counter, opened a tub of vaseline, and stuck both hands in the jar. Then, when I came back into the bathroom and caught the little stinker, he put his hands on top of his head and a huge glob of vaseline got stuck in his hair!!!

I put him back into the tub, which did nothing to clean off the vaseline because it's not water soluble. So, off he went to bed covered in the goop. This is what his hair looked like this morning ... too funny!