Wednesday, February 25, 2009

When Grady feeds himself ...

This is the mess that happens! Unless we are giving Grady something that needs to be eaten with a spoon, he completely feeds himself. It's great for him to have the ability and independence to pick up the cubes of food and feed himself, but it's also very messy! (It wouldn't be so bad if he didn't rip off his bib - not all the time - but sometimes, he just refuses to wear one).

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Monday, February 23, 2009

Two peas in a pod

Grady and his friend, Ethan, ready to go out for a walk (neither one is actually looking too impressed!)

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Stairs (with Auntie Heather)

Auntie Heather was here visiting last week. Since Grady has figured out crawling on his hands and knees, she decided to teach him how to climb the stairs. After a week of practice, he's getting pretty good at going up them.

(He can actually crawl up 3-4 stairs at a time without stopping, but whenever I get the camera out, he decides to be shy!)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

On all fours

Since Christmas, Grady has been doing his own version of crawling - it was kind of a stomach shuffle. Well, just last week he started crawling on all fours! It happened so quickly ... one day he got up on his hands and knees and started crawling. He's very good at it now.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Sunday, February 15, 2009

The forbidden phone

We've been trying to teach Grady that the phone is not a toy, but it's not going very well! We try not to let him play with it, but once in a while, he'll get ahold it. He loves to play with the phone and press the buttons!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Happy Ten Months Grady!

Grady is ten months old! He weighs 21 pounds and is 29.5 inches long.

This month, Grady learned how to pull himself up to standing all by himself. He spends most of his awake time pulling himself up the ottoman or couch and then walking along holding onto the furniture. He doesn't spend much time playing with his toys because he'd rather be "walking" along the furniture or with our help, around the house. He still loves to be pushed around on his ride-on toys.

New foods Grady tried this month: pasta, bread, beef, ham (loves), mushrooms, peppers (hates red peppers), cantaloupe, kiwi (loves), pumpkin, grapes (loves), and strawberries.

He also caught his first cold and ran a fever, which we are all still recovering from!

Grady: You are growing up faster than we could have ever imagined. Every day you change and learn something new! It's amazing watching you discover the world. We love you little one.

One week old

Five months old

Ten months old

(not feeling good = no smiles for the camera)

Monday, February 9, 2009

Rough couple of days

Over the weekend, Grady caught his first official cold. He has been so miserable .... sniffling, snotting, drooling, and coughing. And, he had a high fever last night that didn't break until early this afternoon. Poor little guy .... we've been feeling pretty helpless. When he's awake, he cries and needs constant attention/cuddles and when he is asleep, he is so restless that it doesn't seem like he is getting a break from feeling sick.

This evening, he seemed a bit better, so we're hoping that he's on the mend. It's so hard to see your baby sick!

Saturday, February 7, 2009


Grady has been discovering his voice these past couple of weeks. For a while, he would let out these little high-pitched shrieks. Now, he's moved onto yelling. In a few of these pictures, you can tell that he's really letting loose.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Leaps and bounds

Last week, Grady was still scooting along on the floor flat on his tummy. He was quick and he was moving all around the house, but he still seemed like a little baby.

Well, I don't know if I can say that anymore! Not only is Grady pulling himself up onto everything in sight, he has started to try to walk along the furniture (this stage actually has a name, "furniture cruising"). He's still pretty unsteady and falls over a lot, but it's amazing to watch him try ... and try ... and try!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

How he gets there

A few days ago, I posted pictures of Grady standing up and holding onto furniture, but I thought I should post a few photos of how he gets there. It's pretty cute:

Now that Grady has figured out how to pull himself up to standing, that's all he wants to do! It doesn't matter where we are in the house. He'll pull himself up on the rocking chair, the couch, the ottoman, the chair by the front door, his toy basket, the bottom drawer of the the oven ... anywhere! Here he is exploring his treasure after pulling himself using the chair by the front door.