Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Look closely

If you look very closely, you'll see a little boy playing all by himself. This is a relatively new development and we are all enjoying it! (Sometimes he'll occupy himself for almost 20 minutes!)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Visiting Gold River

This past weekend we went up to Gold River to visit Sandy's family. It was great to see everyone, but it was especially fun to see Grady and Easton together. Now that they are a bit older and both mobile, they could interact with each other. The first night we had to give them a bath together (these will be the pictures we embarass them with when they are older ... especially Grady who couldn't keep his hands above the water!)

Playing together ... well, beside each other! Even though there was a whole room of toys, they both wanted the same thing (of course!).

Easton and Grady eyeing up the book

Easton gets it first!

A little tug of war

Grady grabs it (meanie!!!)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Today, at 11.5 months, Grady is saying his first word consistently. (A couple of weeks ago, he very clearly said, "Dad", so technically that was his first word. He only said it the one time though. Sandy and I actually thought we may have imagined it!).

This morning Grady said, "Mom" and smiled at me! It definitely rates up there as one of the best moments in my life. Throughout the day, he repeated it again and again ... with a bit of baby babble thrown in.

This video is of baby babble:

In this video, he says, "Mom". He's a bit whiny because he was getting tired, but I didn't want to put him down for a nap until I caught him talking on the camera!

Sunday, March 22, 2009


I've been playing around with a few vacation pictures on a new photo editing website: http://www.picnik.com/. Here are a few samples:

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Have a seat

I walked into the living room today and found Grady sitting in his toy basket. I'm not exactly sure how he actually got in the basket, but he had a great time playing in there.

His not-so-graceful exit:

Tonight, after his bath, he pulled up another seat:

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Grady just learned how to make these noises. We (of course) think it is hilarious!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Home from vacation

After a wonderful vacation, we are home. It was a great trip and we have many happy memories of our time on Maui. A few more pictures ...

Family photo near a waterfall on the road to Hana

All dirty --- covered in black sand!

Our little turtle --- making tracks for the ocean

Loving the pool

Hiking in the IAO Valley

Grady with a pineapple (making his funny squishy face!)

On our way home from Vancouver, we stopped in Gibsons to pick up Ryder from Grandma and Grandpa Syme's (he had a wonderful doggy vacation with them!) Near their house, there is a road with a pretty neat name:

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Big Beach

Our favorite beach on Maui is called "Big Beach". It's a long stretch of sand with great snorkelling and big waves that crash right at the surf line. We spent the whole day there yesterday. It was a great beach day, but we are all a little sun-burnt today! (except Grady who wore his sun suit all day long :)

Big Beach

Riding the boogie board ... on the sand!

Playing with Grandma

Practicing his standing with Grandpa

After a face plant in the sand

Wiped out after a long day at the beach.

Monday, March 9, 2009


We have been in Maui for a week now and we've loved every minute. This is a beautiful part of the world.

The first few days were a little rough because Grady was exhausted, sick with a cough and cold, and also completely off of his routine. Once he settled in, we all relaxed and really started to enjoy our vacation.

We've done a few hikes, some shopping, and toured around a bit, but we've spent most of our time at the beach - relaxing, swimming, and snorkelling. Grady loves the freedom of having so much space to crawl around. He plays with his beach toys and we take him swimming. So far, it has been the perfect vacation.

At the Vancouver airport before our flight

A quick walk on a trail

At the beach!

Playing with Grandpa in the condo

At a luau in Lahaina

And, back to the beach!