Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Grady's chair

We've had this little foam chair for a while, but I had forgotten that it was downstairs. This week, we brought it up to the living room for Grady and he loves it! I put his book bin beside the chair and he will sit in the chair and grab a book ... it's so cute!

The chair is also great for climbing on/using as a stepping stool.

Sunday, April 26, 2009


It has been a week since Grady took his first steps and he is making good progress. He can take 6-8 steps all at once now. He walks with his arms up in the air, which is so cute! Also, he has just started to push himself up to standing all by himself. Although, sometimes he forgets to stand up and just walks on his hands and feet for a bit.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Little daredevil

At one year of age, Grady is already starting to show signs of being a little daredevil. Aside from chasing Ryder around with this toy, his next favorite thing to do is to stand on it. He's had a few spectacular wipe-outs, but he's actually pretty good at balancing on it.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

First steps!!!

Yesterday Grady took his very first steps - two little ones in the kitchen. This morning we have been practicing and he's getting better by the minute.

First steps - 12 months 2 weeks old

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


We are finally getting some sunny days here in the valley. It's so nice to see the brightness and feel the warmth of the sunshine. We've been spending a lot of time outside, which we all enjoy.

"Let me out there!"

An eskimo kiss from Ryder.

Gearing up for a walk around the backyard.

On the move.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

After a long day

Sometimes you just need a beer ...

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Teaching him bad habits already

I am pretty sure this is not considered "proper" table manners.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


This past weekend, we went on a two hour hike up to the Rosewall waterfalls. Sandy carried Grady in the backpack, which Grady loved. When we made it to the falls, Grady was happy to get out and walk around for a bit, but he kept trying to go into the water!

In the parking lot (before driving home), Sandy let Grady play in the back of the car with Ryder. Grady thought this was a lot of fun, but I don't think Ryder agreed. ;)

Monday, April 6, 2009

Happy First Birthday Grady!

Happy First Birthday to our little boy, Grady. You were born one year ago today - a day that changed us forever.

We brought you home from the hospital the day you were born. You were so little and felt so fragile. We weren't even sure what to do with you! But, with your help, we figured it out together.

Over the past year, you've grown and changed so much. We love watching you learn something new every day. Your smile melts our hearts and your laugh brings us so much joy. You are the light of our lives and we love you so much.

From one week old ....

to one year old!!!

Playing with his birthday balloon

Opening gifts

(so excited to open his cards that he did a face plant!)

Look at all the people who love me!!!

Grady's first taste of birthday (cup)cake!

He tried to shove the whole thing into his mouth!

Making a mess
