Saturday, August 29, 2009

Hanging out with Grandpa D.

Grandma Liz and Grandpa Dave have been visiting us this past week. Grady has been having a lot of fun spending time with them. He loves to bring books to Grandpa and have him read them (I think Grandpa knows most of the books by memory now!)

Thursday, August 27, 2009

"Where's the birdie?"

Grady said his first sentence today!

It came out of the blue and there was no lead up to it. All of a sudden, he just said, "Where's the birdie?" It kind of sounds like he is singing when he says it. (These videos aren't that great, but it's tough to capture on film because as soon as he sees the camera, he starts to act silly!)

Friday, August 21, 2009

Different day, same activity

and the cutest for last ... bare baby bum!

Monday, August 17, 2009


On Thursday, (at the last minute!), Sandy registered for the Long Beach Open - a golf tournament near Tofino. So, we packed up all our camping gear and headed off for what turned out to be a great weekend.

Ready to go!

First day on the beach - Friday - it was overcast and cool.

Loving all the room to run free!

Group shot of the boys :)

This picture is so cute ... Grady's expression is priceless!

The three of us.

On Saturday morning Sandy played his first round, so we went into town and found this fun playground for Grady.

He loved it!

Wahooo! the slide!!!

Grady's new favorite activity: taking Ryder for a walk.

The beach on Sunday - sunny and warm!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Grady and Easton: On the move!

Earlier this week, we had Darryl, Christa, and Easton visit us. It was a lot of fun to watch Grady and Easton together. They didn't play with each other, but they did play near each other. They were both so busy running around that it was difficult to get a good picture of them together.

When we were in Ontario, Grady's Great-Aunt Janet taught him this gesture. Grady kept rolling the ball underneath the couch, so Aunt Janet would do this with her hands and say, "Where's the ball?" Grady does this all the time now!

Grady: covered in drool as usual!

He loves this red chair. He picks it up and carries it all around the main floor so he can have a comfy seat wherever he sits down!

Not playing together, but playing near each other.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

On the farm

We spent the past week in Ontario on the farm. It was sad to say our final farewell to Grandma, but it was nice to have the whole family all together. Grady stuck close to me for the first two days, but after that he settled in and had a wonderful time running around. He received a lot of attention, which he loved!

(Click on the pictures to make them larger - Grady's showing off some big smiles :)