Sunday, May 30, 2010

Sunday afternoon ice-cream

Sandy took Grady fishing this afternoon for a little father/son bonding time. When they came home, look who had a DQ ice-cream cone!

Friday, May 28, 2010

A new discovery

Grady found a caterpillar in the backyard today. He was absolutely enthralled with his new discovery. He picked a plant to feed the caterpillar and we found a lid to make it a home.

In the end, we let the caterpillar go free in the garden (it was either that or the poor bug would have certainly met his demise from the death grip of a toddler).

Monday, May 24, 2010

Miracle Beach Day 2

On our second day of "camping," we went on a nice hike through the woods. Grady found these rounds that were left-over from someone cutting up a fallen tree and climbed up on them.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Miracle Beach

Grandma RonaLee and Grandpa Ken are camping at Miracle Beach right now, so we've been doing day trips up there to see them. Yesterday we spent a long time playing at the beach. Grady and Grandpa had a lot of fun digging for crabs and "fishing" for the bucket that Grady threw in the water.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

A picnic in the living room

A special treat that Grady loves is a picnic in the living room (because normally I insist that he eats at the dining room table). We have to lay out the picnic blanket (and make sure lunch isn't too messy!) and he'll happily sit there and snack away.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

Mother's Day ... a day to celebrate all the wonderful Mamas out there. I feel incredibly fortunate to be this little guy's Mom. He amazes me every single day and I love him so much.

I also know how lucky I am to have such a wonderful Mom myself and a great Mother-in-law as well ... Happy Mother's Day!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Fruit and veggies

For this visit, Auntie Heather brought Grady a new set of toys ... a fruit and veggie basket. The fruit comes apart into little pieces and then fits back together again with velcro. Grady LOVES playing with it.