Sunday, March 27, 2011

Our little fisherman

We took Grady fishing on Saturday morning. It was nice out and we had a great time teaching him how to reel his line in. He was so good at reeling it in that his line didn't actually spend that much time in the water! We had two fish on, but they both got away. Hopefully, we will catch Grady's first trout next time!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

New hat

Grady outgrew his ball cap from last year, so we had to go shopping for a new cap for this Spring/Summer. He picked this one out and he looks so cute in it! And, also so much like a little boy ... where did the time go!?!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Special delivery

Aunt Janet and Uncle Bill sent a package (filled with goodies!) that arrived today. Sandy was so happy to see the pepperoni, and Grady was thrilled to see the jelly beans!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Computer geek

Grady asked to see pictures of a "big blue whale" on the computer yesterday - not sure where that idea came from. Anyway, we looked it up and he happily sat there and looked at pictures of whales. We also found a few videos on youtube that he enjoyed. Three years old and he's already into the computer!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Not quite right!

These days Grady wants to do everything by himself. It's amusing to watch him try and get dressed by himself (and sometimes frustrating when we are in a rush!). Today, he insisted on putting on his coat by himself ... it was a good effort, but not quite right!

Monday, March 7, 2011


We are home from our amazing vacation in Barbados! What a beautiful island ... where we swam, walked on the beaches, and soaked up the sunshine. Grady had such a great time. He loved swimming in the pool. Plus, as the only child along on the trip, he was spoiled with lots of attention!

Ready to hit the beach!

Grady and Grandma on the beach.

Grady jumping into the pool with Grandma and Auntie Heather
- definitely his favorite activity of the trip!

Group shot!

Grady and Papa in their matching Barbados flag t-shirts.

Checking out the sea turtles with Auntie Heather.

Group shot at the Oistins Fish Market.

Jet-skiing for Papa's birthday.

Helping Papa blow out his candles.

At the park.

Applying his own sunscreen.

Posing on the deck ...

Thank you so much to Grandma Liz and Papa Dave for taking us on such a wonderful vacation.