Friday, August 26, 2011

Creating in the kitchen

Grady's lunchtime creation: cheese toast surrounded by cucumbers and topped with grapes ... yum!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


We were in Tofino on the weekend for the Long Beach Open. Sandy golfed and we had fun enjoying the area. We went to the aquarium in Ucluelet, the playground in Tofino, and to the beach!

Thursday, August 18, 2011


Grady is really getting into choosing his own outfits for the day. He gets dressed by himself in his room and then comes out to the living room to reveal his outfit for the day ... this was his pick today!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

First trip to the Dentist

Today I took Grady for his first trip to the Dentist. I forgot to bring my camera to the appointment, which is too bad because he looked so cute in the big dentist chair!

He did a great job though and both the Dentist and hygienist commented on how well he behaved and cooperated. He has 10 teeth on the top and 10 on the bottom. Everything looks pretty good, but the Dentist did warn me that we should start saving for his orthodontic work now! (He has an overbite and his mouth is also crowded).

Grady was thrilled to receive a new toothbrush and a sticky hand as a special treat from the Dentist.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Monday, August 8, 2011

Quadra Island

We went to Quadra for a one-night camping trip this weekend. The weather was beautiful and we all had an awesome time. Grady made a friend ... a nine-year old boy named Kopono, who was from Maui! Grady idolized him and they had lots of fun playing together.

Lunch at the campsite when we first arrived.

Throwing rocks on the beach.

Playing "soccer baseball" with Sandy and Kopono.

Swinging at the campsite (this made me so nervous, but he loved it!).

...he thought this was funny!

Grady and his best buddy, Kopono.

As the sun was setting.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Grady and Esme

Last weekend, Christa, Easton, and Esme came to visit. Grady and Easton had such a good time playing together - as usual! And, Grady was enamoured with Esme. He wanted to hold her, feed her, and talk to her constantly. It was pretty cute.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Monday, August 1, 2011


On Saturday, we went for a day trip to Parksville. It was a day we had planned just for Grady ... we started at the big playground, then walked through the sand castles. Next, we went for a nice lunch at Boston Pizza. Then, it was back to the park to play at the water park. And, finally, we stopped for an ice-cream cone on the way home. It was a great day ... for all of us!