Friday, May 25, 2012

Grady's new bike!!

Thanks to some very amazing grandparents for Grady's new bike! He loves it and can go very fast now. 

Thursday, May 24, 2012


Grady received a dinosaur fossil digging kit from Auntie Christa, Uncle Darryl, Easton, and Esme for his birthday.  He was so excited to get started. It took a bit of effort, but we uncovered the fossil of a T-Rex!  Grady was thrilled and really enjoyed the project. Thanks guys :)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Bunk beds!

Grady has a book where the story involves monkeys on bunk beds. He loves this book and we read it at alot. A few months ago, he got an idea that he really wanted a set of bunk beds. It was getting time to get him a new bed anyway, so we started the search for the right set. 

We found these ones yesterday and set them up in the afternoon.   He is thrilled with them and had a great first night's sleep on the bottom bunk (I put a big pillow on the floor in case he fell out ... this new bed is a lot higher off the ground than the old one and he hasn't even moved up to the top bunk yet!)

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Grady's weekend with Grandma Liz

Grandma Liz flew down to take care of Grady last weekend so that Sandy and I could go on a mini-holiday. We had a great time away, but I think Grady and Grandma may have had just as much fun at home!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Air Force Beach

Grady and I had Friday off, so we went to the beach.  We were lucky to get a little bit of sunshine and mostly had the beach to ourselves ... it was heavenly!

Friday, May 4, 2012


Last weekend we went to a friend's third birthday party.  It was held at the local recreation centre and the kids were able to play with all the gymnastics equipment. Grady loved the trampoline and spent the whole party waiting for his turn to get on there and jump some more!