Thursday, May 30, 2013

Monday, May 27, 2013

16.5 weeks

Well, here we are at 16.5 weeks along with our second little one!  Baby is about five inches long and weighs about 4.5 ounces. All of the features are fully developed and the baby is starting to gain weight and grow bigger ... as am I!
12 weeks

14 weeks

16 weeks

Monday, May 13, 2013

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Penny Carnival

Tonight we went to the Penny Carnival at Arden Elementary. It's a fundraiser at the school Grady will be attending next year. He went on the bounce-a-rama, got his face painted, played hockey, bowled, went fishing, and had a hot dog for dinner! He even won a few prizes with the tickets he collected at each station. It was tons of fun!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Big Brother!!!

Grady is going to be a big brother!!! This is something that we've all looked forward to for a long time, so we are very excited! Grady can't wait for "his" baby to get here. He keeps saying that he wants the baby to sleep in his room (we'll see how long that lasts!!).

We are 14 weeks today and fully into the second trimester! The baby is about the size of a lemon (3.5 inches long, 1.5 ounces). The first few months were a little rough. I was really tired and didn't feel that great most of the time. But, for the past week, I've been feeling a lot better. Either way, we are absolutely thrilled and can't wait to meet this little one (due date is November 6, 2013).

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The t-shirt that grows along with him...

Grandma Liz and Papa Dave brought Grady this t-shirt from their trip to the Bahamas. He was three weeks old in the first picture and five years old in the second one!!