Monday, September 30, 2013

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Pedaling through puddles

There was a short break in the rain so we headed out for a bike ride. Grady was thrilled to ride through every big puddle he could find.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Fall soccer

This morning's soccer practice was wet and windy. I was re-thinking signing up for fall soccer, but Grady still had a good time, so I guess it's worth it!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Play date

We hosted one of our first "big kid" play dates this weekend where the parents dropped their child off and left us to our own devices for a few hours. Grady, Owen, and Gavin had a lot of fun building ramps and roads for their cars and monster trucks.

Sunday, September 22, 2013


And, the life of a hockey mom has begun! It's Grady's first year in minor hockey and he plays Friday night and Sunday morning. This was our first weekend and it went really well. We learned that it is much easier to get dressed at home rather than fight for space with the 30+ other kids and parents in the change room. Also, Grady needs a longer stick. Other than that, the program seems well run and he's having a lot of fun.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Soccer Saturday

Soccer has started up again and Grady is on Team Italy this time. He's also moved up an age group to Micros. They play for a little longer (75 mins.) and work on more skill development. He seems to be really enjoying it and still loves playing all afternoon in the backyard.

On our way to soccer. Happy to have a little more sunshine!

Practicing a soccer move.

Ryder watching on the sidelines.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

33 weeks and a video

Here we are at 33 weeks! Baby is 17.5" long and weighs about 4.5 lbs.  The baby is using it's lungs to practice breathing by inhaling amniotic fluid. Our little one is still very active in the evenings. I've started a prenatal yoga class, which I'm really enjoying. Also, the cooler weather has been a nice change.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Two down...

Grady lost his second tooth tonight. We noticed it was a bit wiggly earlier today. This evening, in the bathtub, he knocked it against something by accident and it was really loose then. So, we pulled it out! I think this is a good thing because the new bottom tooth is already trying to poke through the surface ... not anywhere close to the right spot though. Hopefully, with some space in front, it will move forward.

 This morning when we noticed the second bottom tooth was wiggly.

All gone!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Beach days

So far, September has been an extension of our summer with very warm days. We went to the beach again this weekend. Grady swam and played in the water the whole time. He also found this beautiful starfish.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Thursday, September 5, 2013

First day of school!

Today was Grady's very first day of school.  He was pretty excited to get to his classroom and have a look around. Once we got there, he seemed nervous but he found his spot at the table and went to work drawing a picture - just like the other kids were doing. I picked him up two hours later and he was pretty happy ... and tired!  He goes back tomorrow for another two hours, and then for his first full day on Monday. It's hard to let go and send him off on his own, but we are excited for all the new things he will learn and the friends he will make.