Tuesday, December 31, 2013


The year our family became complete ... these boys are the light of our lives.


Monday, December 30, 2013

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Snowman building

We had a few inches of snow last week. Grady was so excited!! He wanted to stay out all day playing in it. First thing on the agenda ... building a snowman!


Friday, December 27, 2013

Two months old

Hunter is two months old! He's an awesome little baby who has been such a wonderful addition to our family.  He's starting to smile in response to people which is so adorable. He's also starting to get more vocal with "talking" to us and making funny noises. He still loves to be held as much as possible and is happiest snuggled up in someone's arms, or in the baby carrier. Hunter sleeps whenever he feels like it and usually wakes up twice a night for a snack. He enjoys bath time and also does pretty well with a few minutes of tummy time. He is captivated with Grady's voice and actions, and will watch Grady move around the room. I'm not sure how much he weighs, but he's wearing 6 month clothing.

one week old.

one month old

two months old 

Chillin' with Papa Dave.

Thursday, December 26, 2013


Our first Christmas with our two little boys was so much fun! Grady was so excited for Santa to come and also, to finally open up the gifts he'd been looking at under the tree.  He was up at 2am on Christmas day to see if Santa had been to our house yet!!! Luckily (after confirming Santa had filled up our stockings), he went back to sleep until almost 7am. Even with all the excitement, he did such a good job of being patient during the morning and also thankful for his gifts. He was really sweet giving people their gifts too. For me, the best part of the morning, was sitting back and watching his pure joy and happiness. 

Christmas Eve: Hunter and Grady in their matching monster truck pj's from Grandma RonaLee and Papa Ken. These were a big hit with Grady and they both look so cute!!

Christmas morning: opening his stocking ... he was so impressed with the Smarties ... too funny!

Grandma Liz holding a sleepy baby Hunter.

Grady tearing into a big gift!

Hunter sleeping through the excitement (in his cute Christmas outfit from Auntie Heather).

Auntie Heather took Grady shopping so that he could buy his own gifts. He chose lei's and bright, plastic wine glasses for Grandma Liz and Papa Dave!! He was soooo excited to give his presents out. (Sandy received a plastic martini glass and I got a little snowman necklace!!)

All the boys in their matching New England shirts from Grandma Liz and Papa Dave.

Auntie Heather gave Grady a GT racer! Not sure if I'll be able to let him go flying down the snow hill on it yet though!

And, Santa was feeling generous this year ... he brought Grady a fancy mountain bike! (Grady rides his bike every day when we walk Ryder and his old bike was totally broken down. This new bike has shocks, hand brakes, and gears ... which are all new to Grady).

After all the gifts were done, we had a Christmas morning toast ... in our fancy new glasses!

Monday, December 23, 2013

O Christmas Tree

This year our Christmas tree hunt was short and sweet! We didn't have a lot of time to go on a big hike, so we were pretty happy when we saw this beauty just a few minutes into our walk.  It's up and decorated now and it is beautiful.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Coastal Black Christmas

Tonight we went out to a Christmas event at a local winery. They had family activities as well as wine tasting, so we took advantage of both!

Friday, December 20, 2013

Christmas concert

Grady performed in his first Christmas concert this week. He was in charge of a triangle instrument and did a great job. It was so fun watching him on stage. He was really concentrating on following along and it was super cute.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Baby's First Christmas

Jim and Liz sent us this adorable first Christmas sleeper. It's so cute on Hunter, but just fits! Perfect timing for this holiday season.