Monday, March 31, 2014

Wet feet

Little boys...and a muddy woods walk! Grady and his friend, Owen, had lots of fun splashing in the puddles, which quickly turned into wading through the stream!!

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Baby toes

Hunter found his toes while we were away. I think it was because he didn't have any socks on for an extended period of time. It was very cute watching him roll from side to side holding onto one foot with each hand.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Happy five months Hunter!

Hunter turned five months old a couple of days ago. He weighs 18lbs 6oz and is 26.5" long. These pictures are a fairly accurate portrayal of what the last month has looked like ... rosy red cheeks from teething and perfecting the roll over! Hunter doesn't stay lying on his back for long anymore. He flips over to his tummy pretty quickly and pushes his upper body up with his arms. I think he can see more of what's going on around him that way. 

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


We saw some beautiful sunsets in Antigua. It was part of our evening ... everyone stopped for a moment to watch the sun slowly dip behind the horizon ... And to take pictures, of course!!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Swimming in the pool

Our condo has a little pool just off the deck. We all spend a lot of time in there - it's the perfect place to relax and watch the waves. The pool is Grady's favorite place to be. He loves playing "sharks" with Sandy, practicing his floating and swimming with Grandma Liz, and playing all sorts of games with Auntie Heather.  When Hunter gets too hot, we take him in the pool to cool off. He kicks and splashes and squeals!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Catarmaran trip

Papa Dave and Grandma Liz took us on a catarmaran sailing trip to Cade's reef for some snorkelling. The sailing trip out and back was very relaxing. We all enjoyed sitting on the boat and soaking up the sun. When we went snorkelling, we saw lots of tropical fish and three stingrays, which was very exciting. Sandy swam with Grady on his back, so even Grady got to see them. This boat trip was a vacation highlight for sure!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


We are on our family vacation in Antigua. We have been enjoying lots of fun family time and beautiful sunshine. The pool at the condo is Grady's favourite spot to hang out. He and Auntie Heather have been having a lot of fun playing all kinds of games in there. Hunter did a great job travelling down here. He was a little out of sorts for the first two days, but has since settled in and is back to his normal happy self. Sandy and I are enjoying playing with the boys, watching them have fun with their aunt and grandparents, and also loving this warm weather and sun.  

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Report card

Grady brought home his second term report card this week. It's very positive and we are so proud of him for both his academic achievements and his social awareness.