Monday, September 29, 2014

Grady and Hunter

A local photographer held a photo shoot with mini-sessions recently. I took the boys to get a few pictures. Unfortunately, Hunter fell asleep in the car on the drive there and woke up right before picture time. So, he was pretty sleepy. But, he still looks cute, and Grady lights up the pictures with his fantastic smile.

(they have matching ears ... so cute!)


Saturday, September 27, 2014

His left foot

Hunter has discovered his left foot and it's getting him into trouble ... he's using it to climb onto all sorts of things that he shouldn't!

Placing his foot on the stool. 

Taking a break. 

Trying again. 

Oops! Slipping off!

Examining that left foot. 

Exhibit 2: trying to climb up the computer desk to reach the remotes. Notice that left leg looking for something to push off of and gain some height. 

Exhibit 3: crawling on the ottoman! This is actually dangerous because he doesn't know how to get off properly and doesn't pay any attention to where his body is on the bench. 

Using his left leg and arm to pull himself up. 

Quite pleased with himself. What a little monkey!!

Friday, September 26, 2014

Happy 11 months Hunter!

Hunter is 11 months old today. He weighs 22 lbs. 14 oz. and is 31" long. He is still crawling ... mostly doing a variation of a bear walk using his hands and feet ... but he's pretty fast. He loves to eat - mostly protein and fruit. He's not a big fan of vegetables. He naps twice a day and is in bed for about 12 hours a night. He's up often through the night right now as he's working on cutting his 8th tooth. Hunter is a happy little baby who loves his family so much. He's not so keen on new people right now, but that's okay. For now, we are just loving up all the snuggles and cuddles. Happy 11 months little man!

11 months

6 months

1 week 

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Saturday, September 20, 2014


Grady's hockey started this weekend. He was very excited to get back on the ice. 

Grady's biggest fans!

Hunter playing in the warm room. He crawled into these cubbies on his own. It was pretty funny. 

Friday, September 19, 2014

Campbell River

We went to Campbell River this week and met Easton, Esme, Christa, Darryl, and RonaLee for lunch. The kids had fun catching up, and so did the adults. 

Our next stop was the museum. Grady enjoyed the logging and fishing exhibits. 

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Sleeping angels

My crazy, loud, active, fun boys who never sit still except when they are sleeping. They are both so sweet. 

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Friday, September 12, 2014