Friday, October 31, 2014


What a busy and fun day!

Before school - Grady was dressed up and excited for the day!

Waving to me during the costume parade. 

After school - posing with the pumpkin. 

Raphael, the ninja turtle, Superman, and a witch ready for trick or treating. 

My little superheroes. 

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Pumpkin carving

Today we carved the huge pumpkin that our neighbour grew for us. Grady cleaned out the seeds and gunk all by himself. He also drew the face. I did the carving and Hunter supervised. It turned out pretty well!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Strong Start

Our school district runs a program called Strong Start where you can drop in and play with your children. Hunter had a lot of fun there today. He loves interacting with the other kids and exploring the new toys. 

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Playing hockey

Hunter is so into hockey. It's pretty funny. I think it's from watching Grady play, but whenever he gets his hands on anything that resembles a stick, he uses it to push a ball around. It stopped raining on the weekend so we headed straight outside. The boys were able to have their first road hockey game together!

Monday, October 27, 2014

Hunter's birthday celebrations

Hunter's birthday was spread out over a week, so that we could celebrate with as many people as possible. We are so lucky to have such amazing friends and family. There was a lot of love for our little boy.

Grady and I made a carrot cake for Hunter's first party.


Papa Rob and Pam helping Hunter open his gift.

First taste of carrot cake and icing .. yum!

Auntie Christa and Esme helping Hunter open up their gift.

Hunter's second party - just our little family - finding his bike helmet.

October 26: Hunter is one year old!

Free styling on his b'day!

Presents are for sitting on!?

Big brother helping him out.

Birthday facetime with Grandma Liz and Papa Dave.

Auntie Heather and Hunter playing on her gift ... his very own drum!

Hunter and Mama ... blowing out a candle on his first birthday. My sweet little love.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Happy 1st Birthday Hunter!

Happy 1st birthday to our sweet baby Hunter. We love you so much little buddy.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Fish hatchery

We ride our bikes to the fish hatchery today. The tanks are very full right now. Grady was excited when the fish jumped out of the water. Hunter kept pointing at the fish and saying, "woah"!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Books before bed

A quiet time of the evening when we read stories and talk about our day. 

Monday, October 20, 2014

Our first family bike ride

Hunter opened his birthday present from us a week early ... a bike helmet! Now, we can all go bike riding together. We went on our first family ride today and it was great. Hunter enjoyed it so much that he fell asleep!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Silly putty

Grady made silly putty with his class on Friday. His teacher used it as a science experiment and Grady really enjoyed it. He talked about it so much that we looked up the recipe and made a few batches of our own. The kids had so much fun with it. 

He created an elasomosaurus.