Thursday, December 31, 2015

New Year's Eve

We packed a year's worth of activities into the last day of 2015! We drove up to Port Alice yesterday so were lucky enough to spend the day with Ken, RonaLee, Darryl, Christa, Easton, and Esme.   

We started the day with a beach walk. 

Our next adventure was a fire and hot dog roast at Link River campsite. 

Our final activity was public skating and also, Hunter's first time on the ice!

Finally, we came back to Ken and RonaLee's for a delicious dinner and drinks for NYE. 

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Snow play

We took another trip up to Forbidden to play in the snow. It was all fresh powder, so it was soft and fluffy. 

Hiking in. 

Sandy throwing Grady off the snow bank. 

GT ride down the hill. 

Grady and Hunter going together. 

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

For the first time ever

Both boys sleeping in their room!

Monday, December 28, 2015


Today we travelled to Vancouver to watch the Canucks play tonight. The whole experience was very exciting for the boys ... Even though the Canucks lost 5-0!

In the arcade on the ferry. 

Out for dinner. Sandy isn't used to entertaining a two year old in a restaurant!!

Grady and I were happy on our side of the booth. 

At the game. 

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas!

Santa was here!

Excited to see Santa presents!

Hunter testing out his new scooter from Grandma Liz and Papa Dave. 

New jammies from Grandma RonaLee and Papa Ken. 

Grady working on his new Lego from Santa. 

Christmas dogs: Oban and Ryder. 

Christmas Eve

We had a family Christmas Eve with a delicious ham dinner followed by watching "National Lampoon's Christmas vacation", which is a new tradition!

Sandy opened his gift from Brad and Heather - moose mugs! - from the movie. 

Brad, Grady, Auntie Heather, and Hunter snuggled up on the couch watching the show. 

Gold River

We went to Gold River on the 23rd to see our family there. We all had a great time visiting with everyone. Auntie Christa and Uncle Darryl had lots of yummy food for us. And, Auntie Lena brought over supplies to make gingerbread houses, which was a huge hit.