Saturday, January 31, 2015

Lego city

Grady is on a Lego kick right now. Probably because he hasn't been feeling well and it's a nice, low-key activity. This was the "Lego city" that he was working on today. 

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Full of beans!

Hunter was having a blast in the tub tonight. He was kicking his legs and making the water splash around everywhere. We were all soaked by the end. 

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Car to door

I always carry Hunter in from the car, but today I thought I would let him walk on his own. He is certainly capable! 

Monday, January 26, 2015

Playing at the park

We had really nice weather today, so the boys and I played outside at two parks. In the morning, at the park by our house; and in the afternoon, at the airpark. It's fun that Hunter is now big enough to cruise around and enjoy it too. (He is 15 months old today!)

Saturday, January 24, 2015


Grady played in a one-day hockey jamboree today. He worked really hard and was chosen as the MVP for the second game. We are so proud of him for trying his best out there. His trophy is a chain with a MVP tag on it. He hasn't taken it off since the coach put it around his neck. 

Friday, January 23, 2015


We havnt been trying to get Hunter to use utensils. But, the other night at dinner, he was making it very clear that he wanted a fork like everyone else. He then proceeded to eat his entire dinner using the fork properly!  

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Tired boys

The boys are still adjusting back to BC time. They've done really well keeping it together, but they are both still waking up early and going to bed early. These pictures were taken after school when Grady was watching a show and Hunter was keeping him company. 

Monday, January 19, 2015

Montreal day 3

Today we toured the downtown area of Montreal. 

Heather and Grady in front of the oldest bank in Canada. 

Grady in the Notre-Dame Basilica. 

The boys playing at the science centre. 

The conclusion of our day/trip ... a visit to "Juliette & Chocolat" for dessert. 

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Montreal day 2

Our second day in Montreal was a busy one! Grady and Auntie Heather went to a bakery to buy us French pastries for breakfast. 

After that, we met up with Ann and took the metro to Parc Jean-Drapeau (an outdoor snow festival). Ann, Heather, and Grady went zip lining. 

We rolled up our own maple sugar candy. 

They went for a few rides down a huge tubing hill. 

Hunter and I waited at the bottom and played in the snow. 

We looked at the ice sculptures. 

And walked to the viewing area where you can look out over the St. Lawrence at the city of Montreal. 

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Ottawa to Montreal

Today we took the train from Ottawa to Montreal. Grady and Hunter were so excited!! It was actually a very enjoyable and relaxing ride. 

Ann met us at the train station. We dropped off our bags at the condo and then walked to an outdoor skating rink. 

Grady, Ann, and Heather skated. I walked with Hunter. It was a really cool experience (cold and neat!). 

Last stop of the day was PoutineVille for dinner ... Yum!

Friday, January 16, 2015

Ottawa day 2

Uncle Bill, Ben, and Grady showing off their t-shirts. 


Grady and Flat Stanley in front of the parliament buildings 

On the Rideau canal. 

Had to stop for a beavertail. Yum!

Sister selfie :)