Saturday, May 30, 2015

Fun in Gulfport

We had lots of fun at Aunt Catherine and Uncle Jim's house in Gulfport. The boys were on the move non-stop!

Grady holding one of the turtles that live in their front yard. 

Hunter wasn't sure about it. 

On the porch swing. 

Grady going off the diving board (again and again!) at the pool behind their house. 

Grady and Hunter playing at the children's museum. 

Friday, May 29, 2015

Alabama to Mississippi

Yesterday we left Alabama and drove to Mississippi ... but not before taking some family pictures!

Selfie with Dorothy and Betty. 

Grady with his best big buddies, Justina and Robert. 

All of the kids. 

Last one with everybody!

And, a bonus shot of Hunter and I going for a bike ride the day before. 

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

The Grand Marriott

We've spent the past few days at the Marriott in Point Clear. We have been visiting with family and keeping busy with all the activities. 

Lounging in a hammock, which he then fell out of ... too funny. 

Grady caught a "croaker" off the pier. 

Feeding the ducks. 

Grady and Uncle Jim out for a paddle. 

Grandma catching Hunter as he jumped off the deck. Justina watching. 

Auntie Heather taking the boys for a swim. 

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Travel day

Yesterday we flew from Comox to Calgary, Calgary to Houston, and Houston to Pensacola, Florida. Grandma Liz picked us up at the airport and we drove to The Grand Marriott in Alabama where we will be for the next few days. It was a really long travel day, but Grady and Hunter both did well. I was so glad to have Auntie Heather with us to help with luggage and kids!

When we landed in Calgary, the flight attendant invited Grady to meet the captain and sit in the cockpit. 

Don't let this picture fool you ... he only slept for about 20 minutes all day!

Wide awake the rest of the trip...

Grady and Hunter watching the lightning storm that we flew through from Houston to Pensacola. 

Grady in a "Blue Angel" at the Pensacola airport. 

Monday, May 25, 2015

Backyard fun

We had beautiful weather this past weekend and spent most of our time in the backyard. I did some gardening and the boys played in the sprinkler, with the toys, and on the bikes. It was really nice to relax and enjoy the weather. 

Playing in the dirt. 

Doing "cheers" during lunch!

Snacks with their friend, Quinn. 

Hunter strutting around in a pair of tiny undies!

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Tree planting

Today we went to Grady's school to plant trees around the new outdoor classroom. Grady worked so hard with his friends bringing back and forth wheelbarrows of soil. I helped a bit but mostly kept the younger kids happy. It will be neat to watch the trees and plants grow and fill in the space. 

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

May long weekend

We stayed close to home this past weekend, but still managed to get up to some fun activities. 

We went to Cumberland for their May Day event. Grady raced a box car (and won!). The boys also chose balloon swords and sat in a little fire truck. 

The next day we went to the river to search for fossils since Grady will miss his class field trip to do this activity. 

And, on the last day of the weekend, the boys cuddled up in the morning to watch some cartoons.