Monday, June 29, 2015

Trying to beat the heat

We have been having a real heat wave this past week, which means lots of time in the water!

Early morning at the river. 

Both boys stripped down and went in. 

Grandma and Papa playing with Hunter in the baby pool. Grandma was teaching him how to kick. 

At the lake. 

And, back to the river with Sandy today!

Sunday, June 28, 2015


We drove over to Banff before we flew out to do a little sightseeing. 

Grady, Jim, and Ben in front of the ice explorer. 

Riding up the gondola. 

Group shot!

Grady rode up with Jim, Liz, and Ben. 

At the top. What a view. 

Friday, June 26, 2015

Janet's wedding

Janet's wedding took place last Sunday. The setting was beautiful and so was the bride. 

Saturday, June 20, 2015


Today we drove into Canmore where Janet's wedding will take place (tomorrow). We came a bit early so we could have some time to explore. We found a playground for the boys, and then went on a great hike for all of us. 

Just arrived. Boys were happy to be out of the car!

At the playground. 


Friday, June 19, 2015


Yesterday, we took the boys to Drumheller. Unfortunately, Grady wasn't feeling that well, but we made the best of it. It was neat to finally be there after talking about it for so many years. 

Grady with his favourite ... T-Rex!

Tuesday, June 16, 2015


Hunter hit the jack pot getting Grady as his big brother. Grady is so patient and kind to him. They have a special bond and I love watching them together. 

Monday, June 15, 2015

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Pool time

We picked up a little pool for the backyard. It's small, but the boys are having a great time playing in it. Perfect to cool off on these hot days. 

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Road trip to GR

We drove up to GR yesterday afternoon to attend Easton's 7th birthday party. Hunter was getting tired of the car and starting to complain, so we stopped at the Elk to take a break. Everyone was much happier after running around for a few minutes. 

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Day off

Yesterday I took the day off and stayed home to play with Hunter. We had a fun day together. 

Playing in the sand at the park. 

Splashing around in the boat. 

Selfie before lunch. 

At Grady's soccer game. 

And, bedtime!

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Our first cabin trip of the summer

We just returned from our first cabin trip of the summer. The weather was amazing! Easton came with us, and the little boys had tons of fun. They even caught a couple of fish one morning. The rest of the time was spent casting off the dock, cruising in the row boat, taking Ryder to shore, going for rides in "The Green Basket", and swimming off the float.