Sunday, January 31, 2016

In the penalty box

We spend a lot of time at the arena on the weekends. Hunter is generally pretty good while we are there, but sometimes he does get a little crazy! On Saturday, he was really excited to get a turn on the benches once the team went into the dressing room. 

Friday, January 29, 2016

Two beautiful "brides"

Hunter spent the afternoon with Grandma Liz and Auntie Heather. They made Heather's wedding veil today and Hunter wanted one too!!

Thursday, January 28, 2016

The boys

Today I tried to get a good picture of Grady and Hunter with Ryder. I managed to get a few where all three look normal, but it wasn't easy!

And, a few out-takes....

Hunter took off to climb the fence. 

Ryder is wondering what is going on with Hunter. 


I think Hunter was trying to tell me he was done with the pictures!

Tuesday, January 26, 2016


Hunter is phasing out of naps. He wasn't falling asleep until late in the day and it was really messing up bedtime. So, we aren't putting him down to sleep in the afternoon anymore. It's great because he falls asleep right away at 7pm, but it's not so great when he has huge meltdowns at dinner time because he's so tired. But, hopefully after a few weeks, it will be our new normal. 

Monday, January 25, 2016

Travelling for hockey

Sandy and Grady headed off to Port Alberni on Saturday morning for a hockey game.Grady's team won 6-4 and the boys had fun on their road trip. 

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Little slugger

Hunter is really into baseball right now ... throwing, catching, and hitting!

Friday, January 22, 2016

Pushing and dragging!

Hunter is still really into practicing on his scooter. 

But, when he's done, he is done!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

So cool

Grady - stuck in a bush so he turned around for a photo op!

Monday, January 18, 2016

My little helper

Hockey tourney

Grady had a hockey tournament in Campbell River this weekend. His team won one game and lost three. But, they had lots of fun and tried hard. And ... Grady scored his first tournament goal!

Skating hard. 

Stealing the puck. 

High five after a goal. 

Friday, January 15, 2016

Baby gym

This week, Hunter and I dropped into a toddler gym program. It's held at the same place where Grady used to do gymnastics. After all those times of watching Grady play, Hunter was very excited to get a turn on the equipment. 

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Big air

Grady's moved up to a bike with 24" tires and he's starting to get some pretty big air with his jumps. 

This picture was also taken today ... goofing around on his old bike!

Monday, January 11, 2016


We took Hunter's new scooter to the airpark this weekend to test it out. It was his first time using it outside and he did great! He loved being able to keep up with Meirah and Grady. His steering and stopping needs a bit of work, but we were so impressed with how well he did on his first try. 

Sunday, January 10, 2016

A comfy spot to sleep

Hunter woke up this morning and crawled into my arms. I thought we were having a morning cuddle until he started snoring! Guess he was still tired. 

Thursday, January 7, 2016


It definitely feels like winter out these days. Our afternoon walk today was cold and dark. 

Running for the park. 

It was so foggy today. 

Goofing around on the slide.