Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Mini golf

Grandma, Papa, Uncle Bill, and Grady went on a mini golf outing this week. I heard there was some creative score keeping, but also a few hole-in-ones! 


Monday, August 28, 2017

Fun at the Fall fair

Today we went to the Fall fair. It was really hot out but there was so much to see and do! We had a great time. 



Saturday, August 26, 2017

Silver totems hockey camp

Grady participated in his first full hockey camp this week. He loved the whole experience (the pool was his favourite part because he learned how to do a front flip and there was a rope swing). Today they had an exhibition game. Grady's team won 4-3 and he had an assist on the game winning goal. 



Friday, August 25, 2017

Washing dishes

Hunter was helping out by washing the dishes this morning. He can do so much on his own now. It's pretty amazing. 


Sunday, August 20, 2017

Quadra Island camping

We spent the weekend camping on Quadra Island. We went with friends and everyone had a great time. Lots of beach time, biking around the camp site, and just hanging out. 


Thursday, August 17, 2017

Gearing up

We went through all the hockey gear this week. Hunter's not playing yet but had to try on every last piece of gear in his bag. 


Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Harry Potter

Auntie Heather and Brad made Grady a special Harry Potter gift a few years ago with all the books, a wand, capes, and a few other items all enclosed in a trunk! Grady was taking his time and reading one book a year (because he gets to go for a special sleepover and watch the movie after each book). But, he's too into it this year! He just finished book 4 and has already started book 5. He's been reading non stop. (I'm really enjoying the books too!) 




Monday, August 14, 2017

Rock pathway

Grady and Bill worked on our rock pathway last week. It was already completed but I wanted to expand it a bit. It turned out awesome! 


Sunday, August 13, 2017


Last night Christa, Darryl, Easton, and Esme came to visit. The cousins had a great time playing together and they even slept over in our tent in the backyard!



Friday, August 11, 2017

Swimming lessons

The boys just completed two weeks of swimming lessons at our outdoor pool. Grady learned how to dive! Well, he's known how for a long time but he finally worked up the courage to go for it. So proud of him. Hunter continued to splash around and have fun. He's doing really well in the water (thanks to Grandma Liz who he swims with weekly during the school year). 


Wednesday, August 9, 2017