Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Carving pumpkins

Grady did his very own from start to finish this year!

Hunter had help but directed the drawing. 



Monday, October 30, 2017

Hunter's weekend

We took the weekend off hockey and made it all about Hunter. He had a family party on Friday night, gymnastics on Saturday, and a friend party on Sunday. It was busy, but fun!

Spider-Man on the trampoline. 

Pumpkin bowling with his pals. 


Grandma RonaLee stopped in and brought Hunter a new fishing rod and tackle box from her and Papa Ken!

Grady showing off his spider hat, which was the friend party craft. 


Friday, October 27, 2017

Birthday #2!

Tonight we celebrated Hunter's birthday with a family pizza party. Hunter completely loved every bit of it. 

Excited for a gift from Grandma and Papa. 

Playing with his awesome rocket launcher from Uncle Bill!!

Bringing in the cake!



Thursday, October 26, 2017

Happy 4th Birthday Hunter!

It's been sweet to look back on Hunter's baby pictures this week. 

He's really grown into himself over the past few months and definitely seems ready to be 4. His reasoning and communication skills have improved which has led to happier days for everyone. 

He was thrilled to have a few special treats today. There is a lot more to come with two parties this weekend!

Breakfast croissant 

A gorgeous walk in the woods after school. 

Opening his gift ... pants with dinosaurs on them. 

After dinner cake. 


Sunday, October 22, 2017

Sunday stroll

After Grady's hockey game this morning (they tied!), we went for a really nice walk along the river trail. The leaves are so bright right now. It's beautiful in the woods.



Thursday, October 19, 2017

Grade 4

Grade 4 ... where has the time gone?! 

Grady is 9.5 years old. He loves hockey, biking, swimming, baseball, and he's starting to get into basketball. He was just nominated to be the assistant captain of his hockey team. 

He eats pretty much anything I put in front of him with his favourites being hamburgers, spaghetti, lasagna, and tacos. 

He does very well in school and reads at a high school level. His writing is imaginative and descriptive. 

He is an incredible big brother. Im always impressed with his patience and kindness towards Hunter. 

Grady helps me a lot around the house with taking care of the dogs, vacuuming, taking out the garbage, and bringing in firewood. This year, he's learning how to chop kindling. 

He loves watching "Scooby do" and "Wild Kratts". 

He's compassionate and often thinks of others before himself. We are very proud of him. 


Monday, October 16, 2017


We have had some awesome Fall weather the past few weeks. Hunter and I went for a nice walk along the pipeline on Sunday. 


Sunday, October 15, 2017

Fish hatchery open house

Today we toured through the fish hatchery. It's well stocked right now and we saw lots of big fish. 



Friday, October 13, 2017

Friday off

Hunter and I had today off and it was so nice. We made cookies, went to the beach, and also to the playground. I really treasure these days with him. 



Monday, October 9, 2017

More hockey! (Powell River)

This past weekend we attended a tournament in Powell River. Grady's team didn't win any games but they worked hard and scored a few goals. 

In the ferry line up on Friday morning. 

At a park in Powell River. 

"Beauty of the game" after the first game for making plays. 

On the ice. 

Sandy found a way to get our team into the dressing room of the Powell River Paper Kings (junior A) after watching them play. All of the kids had their pucks signed and were super excited to meet the Kings. 

Sunday ... Hunter and I waiting for the final game ... we spent some time at the skate park by the arena. 

Final game!