Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Grady’s friend birthday party

It’s Grady’s 10th Birthday next week!!! Since we will be away right up until the actual day, we thought we’d have his party now. He had Westin and Carson sleep over. In the morning, we had a big breakfast, the boys played video games and in the yard, and then we went swimming. After swimming, Grandma and Papa hosted an amazing burger lunch. Finally it was off to virtual reality! What a busy day. The kids had a great time though, especially Grady. He was wiped at the end, but also very thankful and appreciative. 

Monday, March 26, 2018

Arden way certificate

On Friday, Grady was awarded an Arden way certificate for being a leader in his classroom. He did a great job speaking into the microphone at the assembly to read out the writing. 

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Easter eggs

Tonight we decorated some Easter eggs. I hard boiled them first and it was a good thing because Hunter crushed 3 out of his 4! Grady shared one with him though. We had fun drawing designs on them with crayons and then dunking them in the dye. 

Friday, March 23, 2018

Baby Bryce

A week ago, on March 16th, baby Bryce was born! We were so excited to meet him. Brad and Heather are settling into being parents and Bryce is so cute. Grady and Hunter love holding him and looking at his little feautures. We can’t wait to watch him grow up!

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Jim, Liz, Ben, and Jill visit from Ottawa

Jim, Liz, Ben, and Jill came to visit us for a week from Ottawa. We spent lots of time outside, and the kids had so much fun playing together. We miss them already!

Friday, March 9, 2018

At the park 

We played at Cumberland park in the sunshine this week. It was so nice out!

Monday, March 5, 2018

Golf, hockey, pjs!

Hunter is inventing a new sport with an interesting dress code.