Sunday, July 29, 2018

At the river 

We are having a hot, dry summer so far. Every weekend we have been at the lake or the river. Today we rode our bikes to a quiet spot on the river near our house. The boys had fun body surfing in the small rapids. 

Friday, July 27, 2018

Basketball camp 

Grady was in a basketball camp this week that he really enjoyed - Mac Bros. He had fun, learned some new skills, and wants to do it again next summer!

Dressed up for crazy sock day. 

With two buddies: Josh and Walker

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Camping with Grandma RonaLee and Papa Ken

Last weekend Grady and Easton were invited on a camping trip to Quadra island with grandma and papa! They went for three nights and had so much fun. The best stories that came home were about constructing their fort with Papa, being Grandma’s partner for bocce, and playing many, many rounds of cards!

Saturday, July 21, 2018

A weekend for Hunter and mom 

Hunter and I had a special weekend with just the two of us! Sandy is golfing in Gold River and Grady is camping on Quadra. So, we got up to all kinds of fun things like lunch with friends, walking at the air park, visiting with Christa and Esme, market day downtown and bike riding (Hunter rode on his own!!!). 

Monday, July 16, 2018

Lake days

We are having some beautiful sunny weather these days so have been heading to the lake to cool off. The boys have been having a great time walking on the logs and playing in the water. 

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Saying goodbye to Sonja 

This was the final week of daycare for Hunter since he will stay with me for the rest of the summer and start Kindergarten in the Fall. Hunter attended Sonja’s daycare for four years. Grady went there for four years before Hunter was born. So we have known her for a long time! She’s been a staple in our lives and has helped us raise the boys. We are so thankful to her for all of her time and energy and love. 

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Grandma’s day camp

I spent the first three days of this week in school so Grandma bravely took on the boys! They had some great adventures: blueberry picking, mini golfing, bumper boats, and beach time. Papa joined in on the golf and beach adventure and Auntie Heather took Grady to the bookstore on Tuesday. Lucky kids!