Friday, December 6, 2019


With the boys both playing hockey, we spent a lot of time at the rink this month!

New wheels for Hunter’s scooter 

Cute picture of the boys that Sandy sent me when I was out one night. Look at those smiles!

Silver medal after the Remembrance Day tournament in Victoria. 

Candid shot of the team 

We’ve also been playing lots of crib. Grady owes sandy and hunter ice cream after they had 10 wins to his two. 

Sunday, November 17, 2019

October 26, 2019

Hunter turned SIX years old on October 26th. On one hand, it seems so old because he’s always been our baby. On the other hand, it seems so young because we also have an 11 year old. But, Hunter doesn’t stand for either of those thoughts! He is his own person and (mostly) does what he wants. We are encouraging him to think about others and he’s starting to do that occasionally. He plays hard and he loves hard. Hunter is incredibly loyal, persistent, curious, energetic, determined, and fun!

Hunter loves playing with (harassing!!) Tank, being read to, playing any kind of card game (uno, spot it, being Sandy’s partner for crib), and being outside. He doesn’t really play with toys - except the biggest “toy” we have which is Grady. That’d be his number one choice for an activity - whatever Grady is doing. Auntie Heather gave him some tech decks (mini skateboard)  for his birthday which he’s been having fun with.  He also likes swimming, scootering, biking, and hockey. His favourite foods are pancakes, pizza, hamburgers, and ribs. His favourite colours are blue, orange, and turquoise. When he grows up, he wants to be a “construction worker like Dad”.

Hunter is in grade 1 this year and was placed in a K/1 split. His teacher tells me that he’s a real leader for the Kindergarten students. He’s practicing letter sounds and adding numbers up to 20. He can also count to 100. I have been impressed with the math abilities he’s shared.

We hosted a friend birthday party this year and then a family party that evening!! We had one tired 6 year old by the end of the night. He wanted a skateboard theme for his party so we tried to do that. Grandma and Papa hosted us all for hamburgers that evening and Auntie Heather made him an awesome jersey cake. It was a fun day for our H-man.


October was another busy month but routines started to settle into place so that was helpful. Grady worked and saved all summer to buy his own brand-new, fancy scooter. He’s very pleased with it and has been riding it daily on our dog walks. Hunter was gifted some change from Papa Dave and bought new wheels for his (hand me down) scooter. Uncle Bill gave him some bright green grips for his birthday so he also has a “new” scooter. 

We took a trip to the pumpkin patch with friends, played hooky from school to eat donuts, visited with Bryce, dressed up as super heros for Halloween, and Grady played a ton of hockey. Hunter practiced chopping kindling and Grady had the most awkward school photo taken!

At the end of the month, Grady had his braces put on. It will be a 26 month process to hopefully correct his over bite and help re-align his jaw. His mouth was a bit sore at first but he hardly complained and has since found a way to eat everything again - even his Halloween treats!