Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Grady's new cousin!

Grady's cousin, Easton Robert Watt, was born this morning at 6:38am. He is a big baby at 9 pounds 1 ounce and 22 inches long!

It was really neat to hold him and look at him. He seems so small though! It is hard for me to remember that not even three months ago, Grady was that tiny.

Congratulations to Darryl and Christa on your beautiful baby boy!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

A few of the things that I want to remember forever:

The way Grady holds his little thumb with his first finger. His hands are either in this position or in a fist, but his thumb is always tucked in tight.

His cute little bum on the way to the bathtub.

The feel of Grady sleeping on my chest.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

The perfect place to rest ...

Our sister-in-law, Christa, is staying with us right now. As you can tell, she is very pregnant and is planning (hoping!) to have their baby any day now. She is wonderful with Grady and has a very calming influence on him.

Yesterday, she was watching him for me while I did something ... cleaned a bit? made some food? did laundry? I can't remember. Anyway, I came back to the main floor and saw this ... the perfect seat for Grady!

*It was pretty cold in the house - that's why he is still wearing his outside clothes!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

There's a whole world out there ...

At least once a day, Grady and I take Ryder for a long walk. Usually the minute I put Grady into his carrier, he falls fast asleep. Today was the very first day that he stayed awake. For the first half of the walk, he was wide-eyed ... just taking it all in. It was so neat to watch him look around at everything (he seemed especially interested in the trees and their branches ... maybe because they were blowing in the wind).

He stayed awake for about 45 minutes and then completely passed out which is how he stayed for the rest of the walk and for a while when we got home. When I took him out of the carrier, he held the same pose that he was in during the walk ... it looked hilarious:

It was cold here today so Grady was dressed for warmth ... too bad nothing matches! And yes, those are socks on his hands ... they make great gloves!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

My BIG boy!

At 10.5 weeks old, Grady is already wearing some 6 month clothes ... like this little outfit!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Blowing bubbles ...

If you click on the picture, it makes the photo bigger and you can really see the bubbles ... Grady's new skill!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Baby Legs!

I bought Grady a pair of Baby Legs yesterday (the leg warmers that he is wearing in the photos). They are good for protecting his skin from the sun in the summer, an extra layer of warmth in the winter, making changing diapers convenient, and protecting his knees and legs when starts learning how to crawl.

I think they are so cute on him ... and Sandy thinks they look absolutely ridiculous!

Friday, June 13, 2008

I guess it's all part of being a Mom ...

Yesterday was a bit rough ... I think the vaccination shots made Grady feel a bit sick because he fussed for most of the day. I held him for pretty much the whole day because whenever I put him down, he would start up again.

It was really hard knowing that he wasn't feeling good and not being able to do much about it (except cuddle him). I guess it's part of being a Mom .... wanting to take away your child's pain .... and sometimes not being able to make it all better.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

A big day!

Today was a big day for Grady. This morning he woke up smiling and laughing! Usually, he is pretty happy when he wakes up but today, he was really happy! We played and chatted for a while before he fell back asleep and he was in a good mood the whole time.

(Right now, his sleeping schedule is amazing ... seriously, it's so awesome! He goes to bed around 10pm and sleeps until 5:30am. He wakes up to eat and hang out for a bit and then around 7am, he goes back to sleep until about 10am. The rest of the day he eats and sleeps whenever he feels like it with a longer nap in the afternoon.)

And then tonight we took him for his first set of vaccinations. I was totally anxious about it all day long, but it wasn't that bad. He did scream and was not very happy, but I nursed him right after the shots and he settled down pretty quickly. Hopefully, he doesn't have any side effects and I can put off the worrying until the next set at four months.

*We weighed and measured Grady at the clinic ... he weighs 15 pounds and is 24 inches long*

ps. Grady's cool new baseball outfit is also courtesy of his Grandma Pam!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Sporting his new outfit from Grandma Pam.

Grandma Pam bought Grady this very cute baby Mexx outfit. He was a little cranky when I was trying to take these pictures, so you'll just have to trust me when I say that he looks adorable in it. :)

Saturday, June 7, 2008


It's the beginning of June, but it feels like summer is still very far away. It's been cool and rainy for the past couple of days and I'm not sure when (or if!) the weather is going to get nice.

Anyway, we went for a walk the other night and Sandy carried Grady in the carrier. We had a nice walk ... Grady slept for most of the time ... until we were on our way home. He started fussing and we couldn't figure out why. I tried feeding him, we checked his diaper, and nothing was making him happy. So, we quickly walked home so we could figure it out here. Well, when we took Grady out of the carrier, we noticed that he was freezing cold! I felt so terrible ... definitely not a shining "mommy moment"!

Needless to say, now Grady gets bundled up anytime we go anywhere!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Happy Two Month Birthday Grady!

one week old.

one month old.

two months old.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Hair update!

Side view of Grady's hair growth.

Mini-mohawk in the back!

Front view .... still bald!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

On their own ...

This morning I attended my first class of "Fit Camp". I've signed up to go twice a week for eight weeks. Today's session was hard work and I left the gym very sweaty and a litle worn out, but I felt amazing! It felt so good to work out hard and really push myself. The only downside is that class runs from 6am-7am ... very early in the morning!!!

Since I am gone, Sandy is on "baby duty". He took care of Grady from 5:45am - 7:15am and did a fabulous job. When I got home, Grady was sleeping and Sandy was having a cup of coffee ... "nothing to it" he says!

Not that I am surprised, Sandy is a wonderful dad. He's very hands on and is always willing to take Grady when I need a break. He gives Grady his bath every night ... it's their special time. It's pretty neat for me to see them together and watch Sandy interact with him. Grady is a pretty lucky little baby to have such a great dad.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Sunday, June 1, 2008

8 weeks!

It's Sunday, June 1 at 8:30am. Eight weeks ago, I was having contractions every half an hour. Sandy had gone golfing and I was getting ready to take Ryder for a walk. Seven short hours later, Grady was born. Our precious little boy entered the world and changed our lives forever.