Tuesday, June 3, 2008

On their own ...

This morning I attended my first class of "Fit Camp". I've signed up to go twice a week for eight weeks. Today's session was hard work and I left the gym very sweaty and a litle worn out, but I felt amazing! It felt so good to work out hard and really push myself. The only downside is that class runs from 6am-7am ... very early in the morning!!!

Since I am gone, Sandy is on "baby duty". He took care of Grady from 5:45am - 7:15am and did a fabulous job. When I got home, Grady was sleeping and Sandy was having a cup of coffee ... "nothing to it" he says!

Not that I am surprised, Sandy is a wonderful dad. He's very hands on and is always willing to take Grady when I need a break. He gives Grady his bath every night ... it's their special time. It's pretty neat for me to see them together and watch Sandy interact with him. Grady is a pretty lucky little baby to have such a great dad.

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