Friday, November 28, 2008

Sleeping baby

The past couple of days I've been sneaking into the room and taking pictures of Grady sleeping. He just looks so incredibly sweet.

Overall, Grady's a pretty good sleeper. He naps twice a day: about 90 minutes in the morning and 60 minutes in the afternoon. He goes to bed around 8:30pm and gets up for the day around 8:30am. Sounds pretty good, right? Well, he could be a bit better at actually staying asleep. During the night, he still wakes up 2-3 times ... sometimes 4-5 times ... those are tiring nights! Usually, he just needs a bit of comforting and he's back to sleep. And, he'll only be a baby once, so I don't mind getting up to give him a hug and a little snack - he's worth it.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Bananas ... yum!

I think that peas have been replaced ... Grady's new favorite food is bananas. He gets all excited when he sees me start to peel one for him to eat. At first, I was cutting the banana up into little pieces. Then, one day I thought I'd try him with the whole banana. He thought it was very cool to be able to just take a bite, so that's what we do now.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Monday morning

Grady spent some time on the floor playing with his toys. Ryder came by to check things out - Grady thought he'd check Ryder out - Ryder didn't think this was a good idea!

We are starting to see some movement out of Grady! Right now, he just goes in circles, but I'm sure he'll get the hang of going forwards one day soon. For now, it's fun to watch him spin himself around on the floor. He's getting pretty good at it and can reach a lot more of his toys this way. (Don't mind the strange grunting noise at the beginning of the video!)

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Our visit to Vancouver

This past week, Grady and I went to Vancouver to visit Heather. We had a great trip and did lots of different things.

The fun started on the ferry ride over. Grady played in the kids room:

Heather picked us up at the ferry and we went straight to the aquarium in Stanley Park. (Well actually, we didn't go straight there because we were a bit lost in the park for a while - it was mainly my fault - I was supposed to be watching for signs!)

Heather and Grady in front of the dolphin tank.

Grady with the beluga whales.

Grady with some tropical fish.

Aunt Heather showing Grady the sea turtle.

After the aquarium, we went back to Heather's apartment. Grady needed a bath, but there isn't a bathtub in the bathroom, so we improvised and used the kitchen sink. Grady loved it!

The next day we went to Granville Island. We spent a lot of time in the Kids Market, which we all loved. There were tons of neat shops filled with all kinds of toys and clothes for babies and children. Auntie Hes took Grady to the second floor where there was a big play area. Although, you can't tell from this picture (he was getting tired), he had a great time there.

We spent most of our last day hanging around Heather's place and visiting until it was time to go back out to the ferry for our trip home.

Grady with Heather's special stuffie, "Wrinkles".

Grady standing on Heather's dorm room bed.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


Grady's at a really neat stage right now - he's starting to actually play with his toys! It's a lot of fun to watch him pick toys up and do different things with them ... mostly he still puts them in his mouth, but he'll also move them around on the floor and today, he put the bug in the back of the farm truck (see the last picture).

Friday, November 14, 2008


I bought this little ride-on toy for Grady at a garage sale last week (it's definitely been worth the $2). We've been having lots of fun driving him around the main floor. Now, he even puts his feet on the ground and tries to push himself ... often backwards, but that's okay. He also likes to just sit on the toy in the living room. We have to stay beside him (yes, he's fallen off of it already!), but he'll play with his toys I give him and just hang out there.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Some form of communication

I've been making an effort to repeat the same words over and over again to Grady. Like when I'm changing his diaper, I'll say, "We are changing your diaper, here is your diaper, now your diaper is on!". Or when we are petting Ryder, I'll say, "There's the puppy, we are petting the puppy, what a nice puppy." I read that this is a great way to help a baby's vocabulary grow and since he may be trying to use these words in a couple of months, I figure we should get started now.

So, that's what this video is all about. I'm not sure if he quite gets it yet, but it's pretty cute regardless!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Go Canucks!

This little Canucks warm-up suit was a gift from Grandma and Grandpa Syme (before Grady was even born!). I was getting Grady dressed the other day and couldn't really find anything interesting for him to wear (you know, sometimes he gets bored with his outfits ;)

Anyway, I saw this little set at the back of his drawer and pulled it out. I thought it would be way too big, but it fits pretty well. And, the Canucks played that night and won, so I think it's good luck! Sandy laughed so hard when he came home from work and saw Grady dressed like this - he loved it.