This is actually two days late, but life is busy and I'm glad to finally get to post these pictures. Our little boy is seven months old ... wow. Last month, Grady's sixth month, was definitely the one where he changed the most. It seemed like he was doing something new every single day!
He has his two bottom teeth and he has four teeth coming in on the top. His top left is all the way through and the other three are slowly making their way down. This has caused him (and us!) a fair amount of pain these past few days. We had one evening where he just cried and cried - that was a tough one. Since that night a few days ago, he's been much less irritable so I'm hoping those teeth just cut through and we can all have a break from teething for a few weeks.
We started solid foods this month. Grady was a champion eater right from the start and has even shown signs of wanting to spoon his own food into his mouth. He's still working on his technique, but it's cute to watch him try to get the food into his mouth. He's had rice cereal, oat cereal, barley cereal, sweet potato, squash, peas, acorn squash, green beans, and carrots. His definite favorite is peas and his least favorite is probably acorn squash.
Grady sits up completely on his own now and has started to actually play with toys. His favorite "game" is to pick something up (a ball, book, or block) and bang it down against another toy. This makes a big noise, which he loves. He also likes it when we read his books to him. And, he still enjoys the exersaucer and jumperoo.
Grady has started to like riding in the stroller, which has been great. He'll sit in there for an hour or so without fussing so we've been taking Ryder for his walks on the road lately (all the trails are giant mud pits).
Also, he's very talkative! Grady doesn't babble that much though. He really likes making this noise that sounds like an old man sound ... it's really hard to explain, but it sounds like "uuuuuuuuhhhhhh" and it's loud! He makes this noise all day long. I'm not sure what he is trying to say, but he's definitely trying to communicate.
He hasn't started crawling at all and really, he doesn't show any interest in it. He still loves to stand up with our support and we've started leaning him against the couch and letting him stand on his own for a bit.
So, it's been a busy month and I think it's probably just going to get busier as he gets older and more active. We are absolutely loving every minute though. Our little guy makes us laugh every day and we love him so much. Happy seven months Grady!
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