Monday, December 8, 2008

Happy Eight Months Grady!

I'm two days late on this post (again!), but as usual, life is busy. Grady is eight months old now. I know I say this every single month, but where does the time go??? He's 2/3's of a year old! Grady has mastered sitting up and is trying really hard to crawl. He's very good at spinning himself around on his tummy (tonight, in the bathtub, he flipped himself over onto his tummy and then did a 360!).

Grady is doing really well with solid foods. We are trying to expose him to a wide variety of tastes and textures ... sometimes it goes well and sometimes it doesn't! A few new things that we've tried this month: peaches, prunes, apricots, chicken, yogurt - they are all good. Avocado and parsnips are NOT good ... like "scrunch up face, spit out food, and shudder" not good.

He's doing pretty well with sleeping. Grady is definitely a routine baby. He likes to nap two hours after he's woken up in the morning and three hours after he's been up in the afternoon. This past week, he's been going to bed earlier than normal (closer to 7pm instead of 8:30pm). He still wakes up a few times in the night ... some nights are better than others ... last night was a bad one!

And finally, our little guy is starting to show some signs of separation anxiety. He doesn't like to be too far away from me. I've been making a point of visiting different friends and having them hold Grady to try to get him used to strange (to him) people and places. Sometimes he starts crying right away and sometimes he waits for a few minutes before freaking out! We'll just keep exposing him to different situations and hope this stage passes quickly.

One week old

Four months old

Eight months old

This is a classic Grady pose these days. We call it "the luge" because it looks like he is on a luge! He tries sooooo hard to sit up from flat on his back ... so far, he hasn't been successful.

This month, it was pretty difficult to get a good shot of him lying flat on his back. He kept rolling over and trying to get away!

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