Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Our trip to Ontario

Last week we went to Ontario to visit family and to celebrate my Grandma's 90th birthday! We had a great time seeing everyone and Grady was the hit of every party. Over the past couple of months, his personality has really started to shine. He is a happy little boy who is absolutely full of life. He loves attention and he loves people.

While we were there, his walking really improved. He has pretty much stopped crawling and is now walking, or running, everywhere!

Focusing on taking a big step.

Inspecting a dandelion.

Relaxing at the farm.

Grandpa watching Grady run around.

Grady and Liz (who was amazing with him)

Grady and Grandma dancing in the kitchen.

Grady with Great-Grandma Arn on her 90th birthday!
(He dressed up for the occasion)

Playing in the bird bath.

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