Sunday, January 3, 2010

Christmas in Fort Mac.

On Christmas Eve, we flew up to Fort McMurray. We had a wonderful week there full of fun, laughter, yummy food, and lots of family time! The weather stayed relatively mild for our whole trip, so we were able to go outside with Grady almost every day. He loved spending time with his "Ya-ya" ( Auntie Heather), his "Dan-ma" (Grandma Liz) and his "Ba-pa" (Grandpa Dave).

Going for a walk on our first day in Fort Mac.

Opening up a Christmas Eve gift with Grandma

Yay ... more blocks!

A Christmas morning snuggle with Grandpa (who had just finished working a cycle that ended with three night shifts).

Surveying all the gifts on Christmas morning.

Opening his stocking.

Playing with his Mr. Potato Head from Auntie Heather.

Playing with his new safari puzzle and wearing his new beach outfit from Grandma and Grandpa.

A big hug for Ya-ya!

Hanging out with Ba-pa.

On our way to the sled hill (in Grandma and Grandpa's backyard).

First ride down with Auntie Heather.

Going down the hill with Dad.

Mom's in the action too!

How we spent a lot of our time: building block towers.

Cuddling with Grandma.

All ready for Christmas dinner.

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