Monday, March 1, 2010


We just returned home from a two-week vacation in Maui. We went with Auntie Heather, Grandma, and Grandpa. Grady was really good the whole time we were away (except when it came to naptime - he just didn't want to sleep during the day - guess he was afraid he might miss something exciting!).

We spent a lot of time at the beach and at the pool with a couple of day trips to the aquarium and the north end of Maui. It was very enjoyable to play all day long and just relax in the sunshine. And, it was really great for Grady to get to spend so much time with his Aunt and grandparents ... they spoiled him with loads of attention and fun games!

Playing in the condo on our first day in Maui.

Going for a dip!

Helping Grandpa blow out the candles on his pineapple birthday "cake"!

Running on the beach.

Building a sand castle with Grandma.

At the aquarium.


Naked baby on the beach!

Sandy and Grady.
Playing at the pool.

Learning to jump off the edge into the pool.

Sunset on the beach.

On an early morning walk.

At the northern end of Maui.

More swimming!

Playing football on the beach.

Playing in the waves with Grandma.

Action shot of Grady jumping off the edge into the pool!

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