Thursday, April 29, 2010

The start of something great

Grady has decided that he's ready to start toilet training (I was okay with waiting until the summer-time, but technically, I guess it's not really up to me).

He's really good at saying he wants to go to the washroom in the evening when we are just playing on the main floor. He's not so good at stopping during the day to say anything yet, but I'm sure that will come with time. For now, we are just enjoying changing one less diaper a day!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Typical boy

Watching TV with his hands down his pants!

Sunday, April 25, 2010


This is the face of a little boy with a double ear infection ... poor baby.

Saturday, April 24, 2010


Grady is totally into coloring right now (it was a good quiet time activity when he wasn't feeling well). The sun was out this afternoon, so we took the crayons outside to color and had the best of both worlds!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The little sickie

Not many new pictures this week ... we've been dealing with a bad cold. It's tough when your normally rambunctious two-year old wants to spend the whole day sitting inside. After three days of feeling pretty awful, it seems like Grady is getting better today - he even ate breakfast!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Smoothie mustache!

Sandy has started making fruit smoothies for Grady as a treat. Grady really enjoys them ... as shown by the smoothie mustache!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Thursday, April 8, 2010


I'm a little late with this post, but these pictures are too cute not to share! Easter morning was a lot of fun. Grady's eyes lit up when he saw his Easter basket. We helped him find the first few eggs and then he got the hang of it ... he really loved eating the Smarties out of the eggs!

Seeing his Easter basket for the first time.

"ooooh ... a new ball!"

"What else is in here ..."

A new book! (from Auntie Heather)

Playing with the bunny and the ball.

He's spotted the first egg ...

and he's got it!

Yum .. Smarties!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday Grady!

Happy Birthday to our sweet little boy, Grady. He's two years old today!

First photos of the day ... the birthday boy!

Auntie Heather helping Grady open her birthday gift (before she went back to Vancouver).

Grandpa Rob and the hockey nets he brought over for Grady.

Opening a gift from Christa, Darryl, and Easton ... a tent and tunnel!

Reading his birthday card from Grandma Liz and Grandpa Dave.

Opening another gift from Auntie Christa, Uncle Darryl, and Easton.

More presents! Auntie Lysh helping Grady un-wrap her gift for him.

Posing with Dad and his birthday cake.

Family photo!

Birthday cake ... yum, yum!

And, a video of us singing "Happy Birthday" to Grady and him blowing out the candles!

Saturday, April 3, 2010


Heather (Grady calls her, "Ya-ya") is here visiting us for Easter. She and Grady have been playing non-stop and having tons of fun!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Big boy chair

The last couple of nights we've had a difficult time getting Grady to sit in his high chair for dinner. He kept squirming around and trying to get out. When we would let him out of his high chair, he would walk around to the table and climb up on one of the big chairs ... I guess he was trying to tell us something!

So, we bought him a booster seat and he loves it! He calls it his, "big boy chair," and he wants to sit up at the table all the time now.

(I think he was tired of me taking pictures of him!!!)