Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday Grady!

Happy Birthday to our sweet little boy, Grady. He's two years old today!

First photos of the day ... the birthday boy!

Auntie Heather helping Grady open her birthday gift (before she went back to Vancouver).

Grandpa Rob and the hockey nets he brought over for Grady.

Opening a gift from Christa, Darryl, and Easton ... a tent and tunnel!

Reading his birthday card from Grandma Liz and Grandpa Dave.

Opening another gift from Auntie Christa, Uncle Darryl, and Easton.

More presents! Auntie Lysh helping Grady un-wrap her gift for him.

Posing with Dad and his birthday cake.

Family photo!

Birthday cake ... yum, yum!

And, a video of us singing "Happy Birthday" to Grady and him blowing out the candles!

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