Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Mr. Independent

Grady is becoming more and more independent every day. He wants to do everything for himself. It's amazing to watch him try new things and then master them a short time later.

Although, this new stage does come with a few drawbacks ... juice/water spilled all over the kitchen floor because he wanted to put the lid on his sippy cup by himself, the 5 minutes it takes to get him into his car seat because he wants to do the buckles up by himself, the extra time it takes to get out the door because he wants to put his shoes on by himself (on the wrong feet - this really drives me crazy!).

But, it is all worth it when he accomplishes his goal and smiles up at me. We are so proud of him.

Click on a link to view a video of Grady's newest skill: socks!

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