Saturday, October 30, 2010

Pumpkin carving

Last night we carved our pumpkin for Halloween. It was tons of fun ... although, I kept thinking about last year and how much Grady has grown-up and changed since then.

Halloween '09

This year...

Grady drew on his little pumpkin with markers, so that he could make it look however he wanted (notice how he holds the marker in his left hand - this happens all the time - future lefty?)

Cleaning out the big pumpkin.

(Grady has a long piece of toilet paper wrapped around his head. He fell off the couch and banged his head on the book shelf. It was bleeding a bit at the back and he really wanted a band-aid on it, so Sandy made him one out of toilet paper. It made Grady happy, so we left it on. His head is okay ... just a little goose egg and a small cut. I still woke him up twice last night to make sure he was alright!)

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