Friday, November 29, 2013

The three boys

Our days are busy and messy ... and so much fun!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Changing diapers

Grady loves to help with the *start* of diaper changes. He likes to undo the snaps on Hunter's onesie, get out the wipes, and open up a new diaper. But, when it comes time to actually take the diaper off, he's happy to pass the job off to someone else!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Baby wearing

Hunter spends a lot of time in the baby carrier. It allows me to get things done around the house and go for walks with Grady and Ryder. It's also a guaranteed way to get him to fall asleep!

My view.

A particularly fussy night. The carrier was the only way to get him to sleep (you can see that I was tired!).

At the hockey rink for Grady's ice time.

After a nice walk on a cold day.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Four weeks old

Hunter is four weeks old today. He weighs 11 lbs. 7 oz. He's a healthy little guy who loves to eat! He's pretty relaxed most of the time. He likes to be held and enjoys sleeping in the carrier.  Grady loves him so much and is always giving him kisses.

Four weeks old.

One week old.

Hunter (four weeks) and Grady (five and a half).

Friday, November 22, 2013

Hockey Rules

Grady's new shirt from the hockey tourney - he loves it!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Grady's first hockey tournament

Last weekend we drove up to Port Hardy for Grady's first hockey tournament. We were lucky to stay in Port Alice on Friday night with Grandma RonaLee and Papa Ken. On Saturday morning, we drove into Port Hardy. Grady played three mini games and had a huge smile on his face the whole time. His skating has improved a lot since the beginning of the year and he had fun chasing the puck around with the other kids.

Elliot and Grady - big grins! 

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Hunter Andrew Watt

This little baby lived the first 22 days of his life without a name! We didn't have one ready and then he was born and nothing seemed quite right.  I looked at a lot of names while we were pregnant and had a list, but none of them were "the one". Sandy looked at a list of boy names on the computer the day we were in labour and picked one ... Hunter. But, I wasn't completely sure about it and I was also kind of busy focusing on other things!

Since the baby didn't have a name right away, he was called a variety of things. But, the best was "Edgar" or "little E" ... coined by his Papa Dave. This name was actually close to sticking at one point!

With Sandy heading back to camp on Tuesday, we knew we had to make a final decision on Monday. Grady heard us discussing the final contenders and was adamant that the baby's name was Hunter. Sandy really liked it too, so the decision was made! (He shares his middle name with his Papa Dave.)

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Grandma RonaLee and Papa Ken

Grandma RonaLee left Port Alice right when she heard the baby was on his way and was here to meet him shortly after he was born. The next morning she helped me give him his first bath, get him dressed in a sleeper, and then he cuddled into her arms for a long sleep.

This past weekend we went to Port Alice and Papa Ken got his chance to meet the newest little one. He managed to sneak in a few good cuddles and the baby loved sleeping on his chest.

Papa Ken with both boys.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Grandma Liz and Papa Dave

We were so lucky to have Grandma Liz and Papa Dave come to stay with us after the baby was born.  They were such a big help around the house and with Grady ... and they also managed to fit a few baby snuggles in!

Papa Dave meeting his second grandson for the first time.

Grandma Liz flew down the next day (Halloween) and was so excited to get her hands on this little baby.

One happy Grandma!

And, a proud Papa.


Watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles with Grady.

Sleepy baby ... totally passed out!

Grandma's last day ... special snuggles with both her boys. xo 

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Papa Rob

Papa Rob was able to come over and meet the baby the night he was born. Papa was nervous to hold him, but managed a small snuggle before handing him off.

Friday, November 15, 2013