Friday, January 31, 2014


Wednesday was an eventful day. I received a phone call from Grady's school at recess. He'd bonked heads with a little boy who wears glasses, and the glasses had cut Grady's head. So, off we went to the Doctor's office to get it checked out. He ending up needing two stitches to close up the cut. It didn't look that bad, but with being a head wound (the cut is in his hairline near his temple), the Dr. suggested stitches. Grady was a real trooper throughout the process and just let out a few big, "owies", when the needle for the freezing went in. We will get the stitches taken out next week, but Grady has already forgotten that they are there!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Sitting up at the table

Hunter is not ready to start eating solid food, but I thought it might be nice for him to be able to sit with us at the table when we eat our meals. He seemed to think the high chair seat was okay and we all had a nice family dinner together.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Cooking with Hunter

A great way to get things done ... thank goodness for the baby carrier!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Happy 3 months Hunter!

Hunter is three months old today. I think he must be going through a growth spurt because it seems like he's been sleeping a lot lately. He goes to bed around 6:30-7pm each night and wakes up for the day around 7am. In that twelve-hour stretch, he's usually up 3-4 times to eat. But, he eats and goes straight back to sleep so it's pretty manageable for me right now.  His nap times are fairly consistent, but also pretty short! During the day, he will stay awake for 1.5 - 2 hours and then fall asleep. With our busy schedule, Hunter's naps happen in the car seat, stroller, or in the carrier. It's working for now and I am enjoying the flexibility that comes with him being able to fall asleep on the go.

Hunter weighs 17 lbs. and is getting stronger every day. He likes to stand up with assistance and is spending a bit more time in his exersaucer. His eye-hand coordination is developing and sometimes he even makes contact with his intended target! He still really enjoys his play mat with the toys hanging above him.

He pays attention to our voices and faces, and follows them with his eyes and by turning his head. Hunter is also starting to show a slight preference for Mom ... probably because we are together 24/7!  But, he's always got a big smile for Daddy. He loves splashing around in the bath tub and watching Grady play. He doesn't like his car seat very much and cries on almost all of our car rides - unless he's really tired and then he just falls asleep - Grady and I like those ones!

3 months

 2 months

1 month

1 week

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Family walk

We went on a great family walk today. You can't tell from the pictures, but the sun was peeking out through the trees and it was very mild out. Grady and Ryder ran most of the trail and Hunter slept, so it was quite lovely!

Friday, January 24, 2014

Fresh from the tub

Fresh from the bath tub and wrapped up cozy in his special towel from Aunt Catherine.


Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Big smiles

Hunter is a pretty happy baby ... when he's well-rested and has a full belly! And, he has the best smile. It lights up his whole face.

Blurry hands in this picture because he was waving them around.

Monday, January 20, 2014


Grady had an in town hockey tournament this past weekend. It was a little different because they had two games at their regular rink and two games at an outdoor rink on synthetic ice.  He had a ton of fun (as usual!).

Big wave for Mom!

Big smiles from the bench :)

Playing on the outdoor rink.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Bath time

Bath time has become part of Hunter's bedtime routine. Most nights, he and Grady are in there together. Then, it's pj's, story, and bed ... for both of them! It's amazing to me that Hunter already has a bedtime routine that involves going to bed (and staying asleep!) at 7pm. Grady was much different than this when he was a baby.  But, I guess Hunter has just adapted to Grady's routine and is following it too. It's pretty awesome for me because it gives me a chance to catch up on things around the house in the evenings.


Saturday, January 18, 2014


When I was pregnant, we always told Grady that the baby would love him best. It was partly trying to make Grady feel special and partly because I thought it would be true. And, I can certainly say, that almost three months into Hunter's little life, these two already share an amazing bond. Grady is such a wonderful big brother and Hunter just lights up when he sees Grady. It's very sweet. I'm sure they'll have their disagreements, but I do hope they stay close as they get older.

Grady "reading" a story to Hunter.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Tummy time

Tummy time with Hunter is hilarious. He's so content that he just lies there on his stomach. Sometimes he gets a big burst of energy and lifts up like in these pictures ... he was pretty focused on that toy in front of him!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

That thumb

I've tried to give Hunter a soother a few times (he's not particularly fond of being strapped into his car seat, so that's often when we try), but he doesn't want anything to do with it. Instead, he seems to like sucking on his thumb. Over the past few weeks, it's been pretty funny to watch him try and actually get his thumb into his mouth. He poked himself in the eye, the nose, the chin ... everywhere except his goal! Well, yesterday he found his mouth and spent a few minutes in this position. It still looks pretty awkward because he kept poking himself in the eye with his other fingers. I'm not really keen on him continuing with thumb sucking for a long time, but so far, he just sucks on it for a minute before he falls asleep and then his hand falls out of his mouth. Not sure what we'll do if he wants to start sucking on his thumb all the time...

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

So cute

Big smiles for that little blue plastic bug!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Blue jeans!

We had a party to attend on the weekend, so I dressed Hunter up in his little blue jeans ... they are just a tiny bit tight! I think it's mostly the angle though ;)

Monday, January 13, 2014

One heavy baby

At almost 16lbs, Hunter is getting a little heavy to carry on my front for long periods of time. I still use both of my carriers for errand running, cooking dinner, bringing Grady to his classroom, and watching Grady's sports. But, for long walks, it was time to break out the stroller. 

As you can see, Hunter wasn't too impressed at first.

Grady was so excited to push the stroller!

Hunter ... still not sure about the whole stroller thing.

Grady ... picking up the pace!

And, the end of the walk ... a sleeping baby ... I'm calling it a success!