Friday, January 31, 2014


Wednesday was an eventful day. I received a phone call from Grady's school at recess. He'd bonked heads with a little boy who wears glasses, and the glasses had cut Grady's head. So, off we went to the Doctor's office to get it checked out. He ending up needing two stitches to close up the cut. It didn't look that bad, but with being a head wound (the cut is in his hairline near his temple), the Dr. suggested stitches. Grady was a real trooper throughout the process and just let out a few big, "owies", when the needle for the freezing went in. We will get the stitches taken out next week, but Grady has already forgotten that they are there!

1 comment:

Liz said...

Poor Grady! Glad he's OK now!