Thursday, February 27, 2014

Forbidden Plateau

When Sandy was home, we took Grady up to Forbidden Plateau for some serious sledding. Forbidden is an old ski hill that has shut down, so it has some pretty steep runs. Grady went on his GT from the top all the way to the bottom and finished the run by going off a jump. 

Hiking to the top

Coming at me!

Passing by...

There he goes...

Nice landing!


Sandy thought it would be fun to send Grady flying off the roof of this old building. Grady was up for it and the snow was pretty deep, so I wasn't too worried. Grady's expression as he's flying through the air is absolutely priceless.


Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Happy 4 months baby Hunter!!

Hunter is 4 months old today. Wow ... four months already! We went on a walk in the woods today and I had him in the carrier on my back. All I could think about was walking through the same woods when we were in labour and how quickly the time has gone by since he was born. 

Hunter is an absolute sweetheart. The majority of the time he is happy and content. When he gets tired, he fusses a bit until I feed him or put him to bed. He's perfected the half-roll onto his side, but hasn't made any attempts to fully roll over yet. He will tolerate tummy time for a few minutes before expressing his displeasure with being placed in that position. He likes the jumperoo and his play mat, and loves being carried around in our arms or the carrier. Hunter is a wild man in the bath tub ... he kicks his legs and flails his arms like crazy. He loves watching Grady do anything ... from building lego to swimming in the tub together.

We all love this little baby so much and look forward to every day with him.

4 months


3 months

2 months

1 month

1 week

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Sleep like a baby

Sleep ... The most talked about subject with a new baby!  To me, it seems like Hunter is a pretty good sleeper, but I think that's mainly because I am comparing him to what Grady was like as a baby! (My perspective has changed too. I'm more relaxed about it and am also used to being up in the night!). Now that Hunter is starting to teethe, his sleep has been a bit more interrupted ... Like today when he woke up ready to play at 4:30am!  But, when he is sleeping, I can't help taking pictures of him. He looks so peaceful and content. 

Monday, February 24, 2014

More snow

It has snowed non-stop for the past 24 hours. School was cancelled today so we had a bonus day of playing, snowman building, and sledding. Grady had a lot of fun and was absolutely exhausted by the end of the day!

Our front tree

At the sledding hill. 

Hunter and I watching Grady and his friend, Owen. 

Grady and Owen after a run. 

Tuckered out after a full day!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Snow day

The snow has been falling here all weekend. It's very wet so not much has accumulated. But, there was enough to shovel, build a snowman, and go sledding!

(We didn't build this igloo - it was at the sledding hill when we got there!)

Saturday, February 22, 2014


I think these pictures are pretty self-explanatory...

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


We've had a very dry winter, but last weekend we finally got a big dump of snow on the mountain. We headed up there on Family Day and Grady had a chance to try out his GT racer that he received for Christmas. He loved flying down the mountain and going over the jump that Sandy built at the bottom.