Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Our first cabin trip of this summer

This past weekend we went on our first cabin trip of the summer. I was a little hesitant about how it would go because Hunter's favorite activity is crawling around on the floor and playing with whatever he finds ... I can't really let him do that on a dock that is surrounded on all sides with the ocean! It went surprisingly well. Between the jolly jumper, the high chair, and the carrier, we managed to keep him happy and entertained for most of the weekend! I can only hope the rest of our time out there this summer goes as smoothly.

This was a big weekend for Grady because he is now big/strong enough to row his row boat by himself! He was thrilled to take Ryder to shore (so were we ... means we didn't have to go every time!) and also to do a little fishing in the bay.

We didn't do much fishing this trip ... maybe one hour total ... it's a little trickier when I'm holding Hunter plus trying to entertain Grady plus trying to drive the boat! So, we'll work on finding a system that is a little easier on all of us. Since fishing was proving to be a little crazy, we docked at Friendly Cove and spent some time on the beautiful beach there. We were lucky that it was a nice, sunny day. The views were amazing and we all enjoyed choosing a few special rocks to bring home.

1 comment:

Liz said...

Looks like fun! Although I can definitely imagine how busy Hunter would be keeping you!