Monday, December 29, 2014

Christmas 2014

Grady was the first one up! He went straight downstairs to make sure Grandma and Papa were up and ready to open gifts.

Grady opening stockings ... for himself and Hunter!

A water bottle and a ball!

A book about building paper airplanes from Santa.

Touch and feel books for Hunter from Santa.

Auntie Heather's amazing gift for Grady ... an entire Harry Potter set with all of the books, outfits, and props to go along with the stories ... even a special handmade magic wand!

Brad and Heather with their stockings.

Sandy with his stocking.

The guys opening up their "surprises"!

Hunter on his new ride on toy. 

The best I could get for a nice Christmas picture of the boys.

Our family. xo

1 comment:

Liz said...

Looks like a lot of fun! Love the HP gift, Heather is so cool!