Saturday, October 20, 2018


Friday was a busy but fun day! It was a pro-d for school so the boys stayed with Grandma Liz while I went to school.  We started our morning with some cartoons. 

When I picked the boys up, Auntie Heather and Bryce were visiting so we all watched Bryce move around on the floor a bit. That was fun. 

We are very short on winter clothes for Hunter (Grady must have been this size in the summer!) so Grandma took the boys shopping. Hunter came home with this cozy sweatshirt and Grady chose a really nice teal tshirt. 

Next, we went for a beautiful walk in the woods near our house. It was a special walk because Ryder came along and we ran into quite a few friends. The leaves are so pretty right now. 

Finally, we finished with a sleepover! Westin came to stay the night. The boys watched a movie before bed. 

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