Friday, September 28, 2007

Baby's First Picture!

Here it is! The baby's first picture. It's actually really hard to see anything other than a blob in this photo, but the rounded object on the right is the baby's head and the second rounded object is it's body. The little thing kind of floating behind the first rounded shape is an arm.

Hopefully, the next set of pictures are a little better! Although, I've been told that we were lucky to see as much as we did. It seems that (at early dating ultrasounds) most people can't make out anything at all. Thanks for looking!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

There's a baby in there!!!

We had our first ultrasound on Tuesday afternoon and it was incredible! I had to drink 3 full glasses of water 2 hours beforehand and then hooooold it until after the scan...that part was not fun!

But, seeing the baby was really cool. The tech took his time taking all of the measurements and then let Sandy come into the room. The tech turned the screen towards us and we got our first glimpse at this tiny little baby. It still looks kind of strange though! It's head was as big as it's body and it still has a little tail bud, but we could see it's arms and legs waving around and it was very cute! The tech showed us where it's brain is developing and showed us where it's heart is located --- we could see it beating on the screen. The official measurement was 167 beats per minute! Sounds good to me. :)

I had to work all day yesterday (teaching Kindergarten...ahhhh!!!) but as soon as I have time I'll go up to the hospital and pick up the images from the scan. I think they come on a disc, so I should be able to post them online. Check back for baby's first picture!

Oh, and the tech didn't tell us an exact due date, but he did say that the baby looks to be about 11 - 12 weeks old. I think Joanne (the midwife) will call us with a date when she gets the results from the ultrasound.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Meeting the midwife

Today was my appointment with our midwife, Joanne. She is amazing and I am so glad that we have the opportunity to choose the type of care that we prefer. I will meet with her for an hour once a month until 32 weeks. Then, I'll go once every 2 weeks until 36 weeks when I'll see her every week. She will be with us throughout the whole labour and delivery. And, once the baby is born, she does home visits at 1 day, 3 days, 1 week, and 6 weeks old!!! Sounds pretty good to me. :)

I know my Mom has expressed concern over the fact that I don't have a MD so I am also looking into getting a family doctor who sees maternity patients and will be able to take care of both myself and the baby after our care with the midwife ends.

The appointment today was mostly for Joanne to take a family history and ask about any medical "issues" that I may have....thankfully, I am boring!!! and have nothing interesting at all, which will hopefully make this whole experience go smoothly. *fingers crossed*

Joanne used her doppler to try and find the baby's heartbeat but didn't have any luck. She said that she "felt really close to finding it," but it was probably still too early. However, she did hear my pulse with it, so good news: I'm alive! ;)

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Sharing the news....


Welcome to the official blog of "Baby Watt"!!!

Since so many of our family and friends live far away, we've decided to create this blog to help keep you all up to date with the happenings of our first pregnancy.

Baby Watt is unofficially due mid-April. This should be confirmed at our first ultrasound on September 25th.

We are very excited and look forward to sharing this with you all!

Sandy and Allison :)