Thursday, July 31, 2008

Letting go ... just a little bit!

At almost 17 pounds, Grady is getting too heavy for me to carry on the front for long periods of time. This makes me a bit sad because I love having him in the front where I can see him and check in whenever I feel like it. But, he's so heavy that my back and shoulders hurt a lot after about half an hour. Guess I have to face the facts that he's growing up and getting bigger!

So, for today's dog walk, I tried him out on my back. It was a lot easier to carry him that way, but he didn't like it much. We made it about 3/4 of the way through our walk before he started crying (and wouldn't stop!) ... so I flipped him around to the front carry and he settled right down ... even though he's a big boy, he's still my little baby :)

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

He did it!!!

Today, for the very first time ever, Grady rolled from his front to his back!!! He did it three times in a row ... then he started to cry, so I fed him and he fell asleep. Guess all that rolling is hard work. Anyway, it was so amazing to see and I am so proud of him!

Here are some action shots:

And, here's a video of the main event:

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Rolling, rolling, rolling ....

He's almost there! Grady can do a half a roll right now. He seems to get kind of stuck on his side. Usually he hangs out there for a while and then flops back onto his back. I'm sure one day soon he'll figure out how to roll all the way onto his tummy, but for now I'm enjoying watching him do the "half roll"!

Monday, July 28, 2008

A few highlights from the trip:

First time on an airplane ... he slept most of the time!

When Grady was awake, he was very happy! (I think he was excited for the trip :)

In front of Parliament in Ottawa.

In front of a war memorial.

Swimming in the hotel pool with Grandma Liz.

Auntie Hes and Grandma swimming with Grady.

Sandy and Grady at cousin Jim and Liz's wedding.

Grady with me, Heather, Diana, and Janet.

Family photo on Sandy's birthday.

Grady at his first major league baseball game: Blue Jays won in the 10th inning against the Mariners.

Grady's first golf set: a gift from Aunt Janet and Uncle Bill.

Aunt Janet teaching Grady how to hold the club properly!

And finally, Grady's new favorite activity: sticking his fingers in his mouth. He only started doing this when we were in Ontario, but he's been at it non-stop since then. We actually think that he may be teething because he's also drooling like crazy and I can see two little white bumps on his bottom gums!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

We're HOME!

After ten days away, we are back home. We spent the first part of our trip in Ottawa for my cousin, Jim's wedding. The second part of the trip was spent on my Aunt Janet and Uncle Bill's farm in Stratford (about two hours outside of Toronto). We had a wonderful visit with all of the family and had some great times. Many more photos to come!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Some recent photos:

Grady in his cool new shorts from Grandma Liz. These little shorts have pockets!!! (of all the ridiculous things .... pockets on shorts for a baby! But, they are pretty cute :)

Sporting his new Mariners hat from "honorary" Grandma Karen.

Tough guy pose!

This little cap is so cute, but he's already outgrown it ... before even getting a chance to actually wear it!

My little monkey :)

Monday, July 14, 2008

He's a cool dude!

With all this sunny weather that we've been having, I thought Grady needed a pair of sunglasses. He looks hilarious in them:


two cool dudes!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Ballpark Baby

Grady was born at the beginning of ball season, so he's already spent a lot of time at the ball park ... he's a seasoned veteran by now! (I actually attended our team's first practice of the season still pregnant ... not playing, just watching!) Since then, we've spent 2-3 nights a week and most weekends playing ball.

Today was our mixed team's play-offs, so we were at the park for most of the day. Grady was awesome. He was happy and cheerful when he was awake and he had two really good naps in his stroller --- one of those naps was even at the same time as a game --- lucky for me!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Three month check-up

Today Grady had his three month check-up with the doctor. He is on track with all the developmental milestones for his age and the doctor said that he seems very healthy :)

When she first put Grady on the scale to weigh him, she looked at the number and said, "Oh, that can't be right". So, she took him off the scale and tried again .... same number! He weighs just a bit more than 16 pounds and is 26 inches long. That puts him in the 90th percentile for both height and weight .... he's definitely a big boy!!!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

First time swimming!

On Saturday, we attended our friend's son's first birthday party at the outdoor pool. When we got there, everyone asked if we were going to take Grady swimming and I said, "No Way!" (I was worried it would be too cold).

Well, after we felt the water and realized that it was at least as warm as his regular bath water, we decided to take Grady swimming for his very first time. Sandy took him in and at first Grady didn't seem to like it too much (as you can tell from the photos!) but after a few minutes, I think he thought it was alright, or at least tolerable. ;)

Monday, July 7, 2008

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Happy Three Month Birthday Grady!

Look how much he's grown already:

one week old

today ... three months old!!!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

A visit to Coombs

Today we went to Coombs - a tourist stop that's about half an hour away from here. Lots of people head to Coombs to check out the goats on the roof ... we go for the ice-cream!

Grady in his carrier sporting his very cool sun hat.

Grady with the ice-cream!

Grady and me with the big Buddha statue.

Sandy with a rooster statue

Us ... with a few goats in the background.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Caught on video!

Can I just say that I think Grady is absolutely amazing!

*Hit the play button at the bottom left-hand side of the screen to see the video.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

He's on the move!

For the past while, I've been propping Grady up in the corner of the couch if I have to leave him alone for a minute. Well, apparently this is no longer a good idea!

I sat him up against the pillows today (to take a picture of him pinching his little belly roll - so cute!). After I took the first picture, I watched ... in amazement ... as he slowly leaned forward, pushed his legs, and did a sideways roll that landed him flat on his belly.

I guess the days of leaving him in one spot and knowing that he'd be in the same position when I got back are past us now. I'm just glad that he decided to show off his new skill when I was watching so that I could catch him before he rolled right off the couch!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

A lovely long weekend ...

We spent the long weekend in Gold River. Sandy and I played baseball in the big Canada Day tournament that happens there every year. Our team was in first place after the round robin, but lost our very first play-off game, so were out on Sunday night. Even though our ball team didn't fare so well, we had a great time.

The weather was absolutely beeee - u - ti - ful all weekend long!!! Grady spent most of the weekend in just a diaper ... or completely naked! Here are a few pictures:

Naked baby on the couch! Grandma Pam was holding Grady up so he could watch the bocce match going on the backyard.
Grady's like, "what's up?"

Focusing intently on the match outside.

Big smiles! (usually for Grandpa Rob - he talks to him in a way that makes Grady give the biggest grins ... it's soooo cute!)

Me and Grady ... all ready for the ball field.

The Watt boys: Sandy & Grady, Rob, Darryl & Easton