Monday, July 28, 2008

A few highlights from the trip:

First time on an airplane ... he slept most of the time!

When Grady was awake, he was very happy! (I think he was excited for the trip :)

In front of Parliament in Ottawa.

In front of a war memorial.

Swimming in the hotel pool with Grandma Liz.

Auntie Hes and Grandma swimming with Grady.

Sandy and Grady at cousin Jim and Liz's wedding.

Grady with me, Heather, Diana, and Janet.

Family photo on Sandy's birthday.

Grady at his first major league baseball game: Blue Jays won in the 10th inning against the Mariners.

Grady's first golf set: a gift from Aunt Janet and Uncle Bill.

Aunt Janet teaching Grady how to hold the club properly!

And finally, Grady's new favorite activity: sticking his fingers in his mouth. He only started doing this when we were in Ontario, but he's been at it non-stop since then. We actually think that he may be teething because he's also drooling like crazy and I can see two little white bumps on his bottom gums!

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