Diaper changes have become an epic battle; when I lay Grady down on his back, he immediately flips over and tries to get away. Placing him into his high chair is also a struggle - he arches his back and will not bend at the hips - usually I end up tickling him until he gives in and sits down.
I know it's all part of him growing up and I'm glad that Grady is learning new skills and showing that he is interested in exploring the world around him, but there are times when I miss the little boy who just stayed in one spot for longer than a few seconds!!!
Since he's figured out how to crawl (ie. drag himself along the floor with his arms), Grady is all over the place! To keep him safe, we've put plastic covers on all the electrical outlets, moved all the cleaning products to the top shelf of the closet, put baby locks on the kitchen cupboards and today, we installed the baby gates. We also moved Ryder's water dish outside - Grady thought it was great fun to splash around in there!
The only use for the exersaucer these days: climbing around underneath it!
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