Thursday, January 24, 2008

The third trimester!

It's been a while since I last posted. Just carrying out my day-to-day activities was absolutely wearing me out! But, after a couple of nights of going to bed at 9pm and sleeping through until 7am (well, aside from the trips down the hall to the washroom!), I am feeling much better.

I even went out tonight! This is a big deal because usually by 7pm, I am flat out on the couch. But, I had a good sleep last night and felt energetic enough to go out to a movie with 2 girlfriends.

The baby seems to get really active whenever there is loud noise. The other day I was teaching a grade 3 class. We went to gym where they were doing fitness stations so I turned on some music for them. It was pretty loud and the baby was moving around like crazy! And, tonight at the movie theatre, the volume was high and again, the baby was rocking and rolling!

I am definitely getting larger and there is certainly no mistaking that I am pregnant now! We are officially into the 3rd trimester at 28 weeks 2 days. Apparently, the baby is gaining half a pound a week now. I weighed myself tonight and I am a bit concerned because I think I'm going to weigh more than Sandy by the time I'm full term!!! He's still got a good 15 pounds on me, but boy! It's pretty crazy to see such a high number on the scale...actually, I kind of have to lean forward and look around my belly... I noticed tonight that I can no longer look directly down and see my feet!!!

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