Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Today's update

I had an appointment with Joanne today (at 29 weeks). Everything is still going great!

I have gained another couple of pounds which puts me at plus 25 pounds. It seems like a lot, but I'm eating healthy and exercising, so maybe that's just how it is going to be. Joanne wasn't concerned, so I'm trying not to be either.

Baby's heart rate was 156 beats per minute (as it's been everytime she has measured it!). It's head is still down with it's bum up around my belly button...hopefully it stays put!

The best news is that my stomach muscle separation thing seems to have healed up quite a bit. Joanne was amazed at how much smaller the gap was! I guess a whole month of rolling of the furniture to get up and not lifting anything heavy at all has paid off!

My next appointment is in 3 weeks .... at 32 weeks ..... EEEEK!!!

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